Your name: (Baloo Bear)

Your SteamID: (STEAM_0:1:121483633)

Your ban ID: (69926)

Banned by: ([FL] Lesanka)

Reason: (Killing Victim asfter mugging him.)

Involved: ( A Disabled DeerĀ )

Why we should unban you: (I had enough reasons to kill the person. He insulted A Disabled Deer in IC telling him to fuck off. I think this is because i mugged him and he was a bit annoyed.
I also had a gun pointed at him ans still told him to fuck off.)


Baloo had mugged him and he walked over to me and told me to fuck off while Baloo still had his weapon pointed at him - as such, Baloo decided that the best action to take was to kill him for insulting me.

If he had just left after being mugged, then Baloo wouldn't have shot him; however he took the action to put his life on the line in order to tell me to fuck off; thus resulting in his death.

He wasn't just killed because he was mugged, he was killed for walking over to me and telling me to fuck off.
[Image: 8UtzdI4.png]
Hello Baloo,

When you killed the person, had he already paid the money or did he refuse?

Fearless Administrator
(02-18-2016, 09:12 PM)Hitman Wrote: Hello Baloo,

When you killed the person, had he already paid the money or did he refuse?

Fearless Administrator

He paid, But then he walked over to aDisableddeer and told him to fuck off evan though we had guns pointing at him. As we were criminals we thought that the best idea was to kill him

Once he had paid you you probably should not have killed him as your demands were met.

Fearless Administrator
Hey Hitman,

Baloo killing him had nothing to do with the mugging, if he had just left then Baloo wouldn't have shot him.

However, the victim had decided that he was going to tell me to fuck off, or fuck you, I believe it was fuck you; and thus was shot for doing so.

It could have been roleplayed a little bit better, but he had a weapon pointed at him and still decided to insult me.

Hope this clears things up a bit.
[Image: 8UtzdI4.png]
(02-18-2016, 09:20 PM)aDisabledDeer Wrote: -snip-

I understand that he came up to you and said "fuck off" or "fuck you" but that is hardly a reason to kill somebody unless you are a mafia family.

Fearless Administrator
(02-18-2016, 09:21 PM)Hitman Wrote:
(02-18-2016, 09:20 PM)aDisabledDeer Wrote: -snip-

I understand that he came up to you and said "fuck off" or "fuck you" but that is hardly a reason to kill somebody unless you are a mafia family.

Fearless Administrator

I would argue a little bit differently, I think two run down, homeless edgy criminals with firearms wouldn't hesitate to shoot someone in a secluded area if someone said 'fuck you' to them with a weapon pointed at them
[Image: 8UtzdI4.png]
(02-18-2016, 09:22 PM)aDisabledDeer Wrote:
(02-18-2016, 09:21 PM)Hitman Wrote:
(02-18-2016, 09:20 PM)aDisabledDeer Wrote: -snip-

I understand that he came up to you and said "fuck off" or "fuck you" but that is hardly a reason to kill somebody unless you are a mafia family.

Fearless Administrator

I would argue a little bit differently, I think two run down, homeless edgy criminals with firearms wouldn't hesitate to shoot someone in a secluded area if someone said 'fuck you' to them with a weapon pointed at them

I can see where you are coming from, but the argument can also be made that homeless criminals would not be able to afford guns or the ammo for it.

Fearless Administrator
(02-18-2016, 09:23 PM)Hitman Wrote:
(02-18-2016, 09:22 PM)aDisabledDeer Wrote:
(02-18-2016, 09:21 PM)Hitman Wrote:
(02-18-2016, 09:20 PM)aDisabledDeer Wrote: -snip-

I understand that he came up to you and said "fuck off" or "fuck you" but that is hardly a reason to kill somebody unless you are a mafia family.

Fearless Administrator

I would argue a little bit differently, I think two run down, homeless edgy criminals with firearms wouldn't hesitate to shoot someone in a secluded area if someone said 'fuck you' to them with a weapon pointed at them

I can see where you are coming from, but the argument can also be made that homeless criminals would not be able to afford guns or the ammo for it.

Fearless Administrator

We were both wearing the old security outfit however, and the outfit has military ribbons on it - so the argument could be made, in a very deep roleplay sense, that we got the weapons from a contact in the military, or even stole them due to our military training.
[Image: 8UtzdI4.png]

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