Unban request - FrostyBurrito28 (#2)
Your name:FrostyBurrito28

[b]Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:59061102

[b]Your ban ID:66425

[b]Banned by:[FL] NightHawkd

[b]Reason: Prop spamming and Crashing the server

[b]Involved: - 

[b]Why we should unban you:
 This is my second unban request.
I admit to accidently crashing the server. What happened was I was going through all of the advanced duplicates I had made. I went through them and found one I hadn't used in a very long time. It was a shop in the BP, made of props apparently removed. They were all cabinets with one door at the very side. The middle cabinets were slightly colored to where I could see through them. That window was also a fading door which I used as a window. I spawned it once and it didn't actually spawn in, so I pressed the button multiple more times and it ultimately crashed the server. I had no intentions of this and at the time I didn't even know that that was what had crashed the server. The prop spam had been accidental and when I used it on the server a year ago it worked just fine. This was a huge mistake and I had no idea this would happen. I would never do something like this on purpose. It has been a long time since my ban time, and now I feel like I've gotten a fair punishment by now. It was a stupid mistake and I still very much miss CityRP.

(Heres the suck up part)
Many people on the server know me fairly well. They know I would not do something like this because I love this server so much. The day before I actually did a roleplay experience with NightHawk and I had applied for the S.A.A as well. I would not throw my 210 hours all away by prop spamming for no reason.
The thing is though Burrito that the props came over a time span. A small one yes but still a time span. It would not have, correct me if I am wrong but highly doubt I am, caused the server to lag or crash. Also you place one "dupe," as you call it, down at one time so clicking the left mouse button wouldn't have done anything until after the previous dupe had pasted.
[Image: ay3uwl.jpg]

Signature made by MasterNoda
(02-15-2016, 05:58 PM)NightHawkd Wrote: The thing is though Burrito that the props came over a time span. A small one yes but still a time span. It would not have, correct me if I am wrong but highly doubt I am, caused the server to lag or crash. Also you place one "dupe," as you call it, down at one time so clicking the left mouse button wouldn't have done anything until after the previous dupe had pasted.

The time span was due to the fact it had not yet spawned in. If me clicking the dupe multiple times did not spawn the server to crash, I do not know what did. The only thing I know about it is the fact the server crashed after I spawned the duplication, it was unintentional and immediately after it crashed I instantly regretted spawning the dupe because I knew it was me who crashed the server. In the end, it was a complete accident and none of it was meant for any harm. I love the server so I don't see why I would try to do anything to it, especially since it is such a minor thing with such large punishment. Now I do understand the consequences for what I have done. Permanent ban from the server does seem reasonable, but only if the offense was intentional. Which it was not. The mistake was on my behalf and it will not happen again. If the ban is removed or atleast shortened, the moment I get into the server, I will make sure the duplication is deleted.
The thing is that you say that you spawned a dupe multiple times. Which would not be possible unless you waited for the pasting to be done each time. Also you state that the props were apparently removed. If that was so then it would have only spawned in what could have been and nothing more.
[Image: ay3uwl.jpg]

Signature made by MasterNoda
(02-18-2016, 08:06 AM)NightHawkd Wrote: The thing is that you say that you spawned a dupe multiple times. Which would not be possible unless you waited for the pasting to be done each time. Also you state that the props were apparently removed. If that was so then it would have only spawned in what could have been and nothing more.

If that is actually the case, then I have no idea how I ended up crashing the server and it was completely accidental. I'm not sure what happened or even if the props were actually removed, I just wasn't able to find them. Because it was unintentional, and it has been a long time, I only ask for a lowered or removed ban time. I know it won't happen again because now I have definitely learned my lesson. I didn't and still don't have a reason to crash the server and I never will. It was a large mistake and I very much regret the actions that led up to the server crash, although I'm not exactly sure on what happened. I would like to go back to roleplaying on the server because I still miss it and no other server can give the experiences this one does.
Like I said its hard for me to believe that seeing as the fact is if they were banned props they would not have spawned in nor have crashed the server.
[Image: ay3uwl.jpg]

Signature made by MasterNoda
Denied as the user has shown no further interest in getting unbanned as well if the props were banned they would not spawn in or lag the server.
[Image: ay3uwl.jpg]

Signature made by MasterNoda

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