(01-19-2016, 12:50 PM)Holdem Wrote:
Quote:Midget said:

IMO. Fearless shouldn't encourage this behavior or support it with letting you make a topic about it, obviously boosting your self-esteem and your willingness to do these drugs

You can buy and use drugs in the server, yet it's not alright to speak about it on the forum? I believe FL is not here to nanny people around, it's a community and we should bring down the "Taboo" walls of what we should and shouldn't talk about. I don't seem a problem here, we're not telling him where to buy illegal stuff.
I think there is a line between the game and a serious discussion on the forums. I think we can both see that difference.

(01-19-2016, 11:52 AM)[FL:RP] Fela Wrote:
(01-19-2016, 10:42 AM)Midget Wrote:
(01-19-2016, 07:24 AM)[FL:RP] Fela Wrote:
(01-18-2016, 06:48 PM)Astari Wrote: idk why you posted this on a forum filled young kids,

anyway, id like to try weed but meh, i don't have any BTC and im scared of getting caught with it in the mail

Because I want to openly discuss a subject. That's what the discussion forum is for! Just because there are some kids on Fearless that doesn't mean it should hold us back to start a discussion..
You're f*cking 14 years old trying weed and wanting to do do heavy drugs.. 

IMO. Fearless shouldn't encourage this behavior or support it with letting you make a topic about it, obviously boosting your self-esteem and your willingness to do these drugs. 

You're talking to a 24 year old guy about doing "shrooms".

I really do admire that you're worried about my health and well being but I was simply talking about the drugs I'd like to once in my life do. I think it's my own responcibilty and my own problem if anything goes wrong. Also, if you're here to judge people, I'd like you to leave this thread.
Fair enough.
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.
I'll just leave this here...

[Image: hey-kids-wanna-buy-some-magic.jpg]
I agree with Holdem, when I was younger I was like I'm never going to smoke or even do any sort of drugs, before you know it I'm taking weed at first I was about 13, and that's pretty bad but pretty normal since I'm in the UK, then i reached year 11 to prom and I knew a friend who's brother sold Coke and so I brought some to do at prom, and man was it fun, I would only say you can try drugs just don't be stupid. just be sensible out there.
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(01-18-2016, 05:31 PM)Link Wrote: In my arrogant opinion, I think drug taking is a deplorable behaviour, no matter what type, how strong they are, or quantity. Yes, it may give you a temporary high and escape from all of the worlds problems, however it WILL rob you in the long run, whether it be from your wallet, or the thing most sacred to you, your life.

But as Aviator says, legal drugs are ethical... caffeine and medication are inevitable - illegal narcotics are not.
Most of this is not actually in reply to Link lol

Exactly. In cases where these 'recreational' drugs are used for medical purposes, it is in a controlled situation and has to be considered by a health professional.
People have died from medical drugs, could be any reason from abuse of the substance, allergy or being unlucky enough to experience some severe side effects (which mathematically is extremely unlikely for most drugs). Also because SO MANY people take prescribed drugs a year, so the effects will be more apparent. Yet so few people take heroin and cocaine to levels of addiction. So that point about lots of deaths from prescribed drugs is frankly nugatory. Prescription drugs are ethical... you're controlling symptoms and curing disease and helping people. I wouldn't just believe the whole weed and cancer thing, it may help with certain cancers but there are over 200 different types of cancer. Cancer is merely issues to do with genes regulating cell division (mitosis). That's why it is hard to cure cancer, especially when most cancers occur in later life when the immune response is severely limited than one's earlier years (obviously not for all cancers, as always, exceptions).

Every time you take a substance as such, one should be prepared of the consequences. It is hard to study illegal drugs because they're, well, illegal (linking back to the comment about effects of prescribed drugs being more apparent). However all side effects and safety precautions are published and easily accessed for basically every medical drug.

At the end of the day, it is one's own choice and a bad choice to take these recreational drugs.
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I'm not going to lecture you, or tell you not to do it.

One thing I will say is that psychoactive substances such as MDMA is they really will mess with you. I would avoid MDMA especially pure crystallised MDMA.

If you want information I will happily give you it, I have had a lot of drug awareness training, illegal and legal highs.
[Image: giphy.gif]
(01-19-2016, 11:00 PM)Marty Wrote: I'm not going to lecture you, or tell you not to do it.

One thing I will say is that psychoactive substances such as MDMA is they really will mess with you. I would avoid MDMA especially pure crystallised MDMA.

If you want information I will happily give you it, I have had a lot of drug awareness training, illegal and legal highs.

I'd love some more information on this, actually.

How come psychoactive substances will 'mess with me'? Perhaps could you give an explenation on your statement? 

Thanks for your comment btw!
If you want to show yourself, don't do drugs, they are for the weak.
(01-20-2016, 04:19 PM)Gogson8 Wrote: If you want to show yourself, don't do drugs, they are for the weak.

(01-20-2016, 04:11 PM)[FL:RP] Fela Wrote:
(01-19-2016, 11:00 PM)Marty Wrote: I'm not going to lecture you, or tell you not to do it.

One thing I will say is that psychoactive substances such as MDMA is they really will mess with you. I would avoid MDMA especially pure crystallised MDMA.

If you want information I will happily give you it, I have had a lot of drug awareness training, illegal and legal highs.

I'd love some more information on this, actually.

How come psychoactive substances will 'mess with me'? Perhaps could you give an explenation on your statement? 

Thanks for your comment btw!

Psychoactive substances have a habit of leaving an imprint on the chemicals in your brain. While there is only so much conclusive evidence on what the full range of real impact this has on the mind, there are plenty of very negative possible impacts that are documented ranging from diminished processing of stimuli to full on psychosis that could lead to violent episodes. On the flip side, Marijuana was claimed to have all sorts of negative impact on the body and mind which as all been disproven at this point, begging the question, how much of the "facts" can you really trust anyway.

I suggest taking a look into the Doors and Jim Morrison for an idea of how far one can stray from who they are after the use of these types of substance, as acid was his drug of choice for a while. To offer a counter point to the idea behind that, look into Keith Richards and his history with drugs and how he's yet to die. Think they made a documentary on him recently.

Some research into LSD did prove that it has the potential to "unlock" more of the brain, however, it could also just as easily leave you basically nonfunctional.

While I'm not going to say I support yall doing what you do, I'm also not going to go around talking about how you shouldn't. Just please, if you are going to do something, at least do a lil research into the potential risks. It's better to be judged by twelve than carried by six.
I disagree with most people who say that "drugs are bad" and that they have no positive effect whatsoever. Arguing if drugs are good or bad is like arguing if guns are good or bad, people will argue that they protect and others that they kill, it's just a matter of how you use it and what for.

Quote: Prescription drugs are ethical... you're controlling symptoms and curing disease and helping people.

So giving kids that are just more distracted than others amphetamine is Ethical? 
Slowly killing a person through ineffective treatments is Ethical?
Giving out antibiotics to kids is Ethical?
Decreasing the age in where we start medicating our kids on a daily basis is Ethical?

I don't trust pharmaceutical companies because they're there to make MONEY from me, not to cure me. They're a business, not a charity and family guy explains it very clearly. The reason that most drugs are illegal is because they would put half the companies out there out of business. I'd like to invite everyone to actually inform themselves on the subject before just saying "Hurr durr drugs are bad cuz my school said". Trust me, I was the first Anti-drug person until I clicked my two neurons together and said "Hold on, this in't right".

We say we live in "Freedom", yet we fool ourselves when our governments don't let us eat something that has never ever killed anyone from overdose, like LSD, shrooms or Weed and has HUGE medical potential, all of them.

Also, Family guy explains it perfectly.

Live a good life. If there's a god and he's just, he will not care of how devout you are, he will accept you for the virtues you have based your life upon. If there's no god, then you will have gone, but you will have lived a noble life which will stay in the memories of those that you love.

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