(01-18-2016, 05:31 PM)Link Wrote: In my arrogant opinion, I think drug taking is a deplorable behaviour, no matter what type, how strong they are, or quantity. Yes, it may give you a temporary high and escape from all of the worlds problems, however it WILL rob you in the long run, whether it be from your wallet, or the thing most sacred to you, your life.

But as Aviator says, legal drugs are ethical... caffeine and medication are inevitable - illegal narcotics are not.

It hasn't robbed me in the long run, ive enjoyed pretty much every drug that I can get my hands on. Yet im not addicted, since I havent touched anything for 2 years now. Besides drugs are cheaper then alcohol Wink
(01-18-2016, 05:42 PM)Greed^ Wrote:
(01-18-2016, 05:31 PM)Link Wrote: In my arrogant opinion, I think drug taking is a deplorable behaviour, no matter what type, how strong they are, or quantity. Yes, it may give you a temporary high and escape from all of the worlds problems, however it WILL rob you in the long run, whether it be from your wallet, or the thing most sacred to you, your life.

But as Aviator says, legal drugs are ethical... caffeine and medication are inevitable - illegal narcotics are not.

But ADHD kids gets pills with amphetamine?

But as I have stated, medication is inevitable. Attention deficit hyperactive disorder may require a dosage of amphetamine, however that is an ethical use of a drug as it is treating a biological abnormality in the pre-frontal cortext. Besides, if they are registered as having ADHD, they would get a legal perscription from their local GP, cutting your argument out of the question.

Also, alcohol is still a drug, it's just legal.
Kind Regards,

The following 2 users Like Link's post:
  • summotion, Ivan Tempski
idk why you posted this on a forum filled young kids,

anyway, id like to try weed but meh, i don't have any BTC and im scared of getting caught with it in the mail
The following 1 user Likes Astari's post:
  • Grunt
After seeing a family member get fucked by some of these drugs you are talking about I would highly advise against using any form of illegal drug. If you really want to experiment just stick to weed (even though it isn't that exciting anymore). Please do not try heroin, it is (according to my family member) the easiest drug to fall in love with.

If you chose to take any of these drugs being mentioned just research addictions and be ready to go through withdrawals.
[Image: XLnyw5R.jpg]
Edward John Smith is my idol!
Some say that the Titanic would be a sinking ship, but it just left the criticizers at dock and hit an iceberg.

Original signature idea made by Grub edited to fit my account (Added this to abide by forum rule 3e.)
The following 2 users Like Ali's post:
  • Ivan Tempski, Jerrycat
A nice ten gram reefer before jumping on a link up or sbtv shoots always a madness, gets you fuckeddd and all of your man! (Jus a example of my g's table right now)

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(01-18-2016, 06:48 PM)Astari Wrote: idk why you posted this on a forum filled young kids,

anyway, id like to try weed but meh, i don't have any BTC and im scared of getting caught with it in the mail

Because I want to openly discuss a subject. That's what the discussion forum is for! Just because there are some kids on Fearless that doesn't mean it should hold us back to start a discussion..
(01-19-2016, 07:24 AM)[FL:RP] Fela Wrote:
(01-18-2016, 06:48 PM)Astari Wrote: idk why you posted this on a forum filled young kids,

anyway, id like to try weed but meh, i don't have any BTC and im scared of getting caught with it in the mail

Because I want to openly discuss a subject. That's what the discussion forum is for! Just because there are some kids on Fearless that doesn't mean it should hold us back to start a discussion..
You're f*cking 14 years old trying weed and wanting to do do heavy drugs.. 

IMO. Fearless shouldn't encourage this behavior or support it with letting you make a topic about it, obviously boosting your self-esteem and your willingness to do these drugs. 

You're talking to a 24 year old guy about doing "shrooms".
We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.
(01-19-2016, 10:42 AM)Midget Wrote:
(01-19-2016, 07:24 AM)[FL:RP] Fela Wrote:
(01-18-2016, 06:48 PM)Astari Wrote: idk why you posted this on a forum filled young kids,

anyway, id like to try weed but meh, i don't have any BTC and im scared of getting caught with it in the mail

Because I want to openly discuss a subject. That's what the discussion forum is for! Just because there are some kids on Fearless that doesn't mean it should hold us back to start a discussion..
You're f*cking 14 years old trying weed and wanting to do do heavy drugs.. 

IMO. Fearless shouldn't encourage this behavior or support it with letting you make a topic about it, obviously boosting your self-esteem and your willingness to do these drugs. 

You're talking to a 24 year old guy about doing "shrooms".

I really do admire that you're worried about my health and well being but I was simply talking about the drugs I'd like to once in my life do. I think it's my own responcibilty and my own problem if anything goes wrong. Also, if you're here to judge people, I'd like you to leave this thread.
mfw when i was 16 when i first took harddrugs lel, people act like it's a huge deal, it isn't. In holland, everyone on my work floor uses xtc, hell even my boss who owns 9 stores and nets 9k a month occasionally get's fucked up on festivals like defqon.

You got dumb people who go over the line, and you got people who just take it casually.
Quote:Fela wrote:

Thanks for your responce <3

I'm not that worried about the MDMA not being potent. I know some people who frequently use it which will sell some to me.

Is it really that necessary to be with a group of friends? I'd love to take shrooms and go for a walk and enjoy nature.

How was your DMT trip?

And no, I've never tried weed in a vaporizer. I don't actually prefer weed since I'd have to smoke it and it may sound weird but I want to keep my lungs in A1 shape because I do sports. Ofcourse, smoking one every once in a while may not be that harmful, I know but I'd rather not [Image: wink.gif]

Also! I'd love to try adderall. While studying for a test for example.

You're welcome bud! Firstly, I didn't mention the MDMA and the test kit referring to a "low potency", I mean that 50% of people that claim to sell MDMA don't actually sell MDMA or it may be mixed with other substances. Reason being is that it's way cheaper and if you don't know any better you can easily believe you took the real stuff. Thing is these substitutes can be LETHAL if sold by some dodgy guy who doesn't give a damn who he sells to, hence why I'm saying to buy a test kit. You can legally buy a drug testkit that will tell you what drug it is you have. It's a liquid that reacts and depending on the color it will tell you what drug it is or if it's not what you think it is.
It's not necessary to be with a group of friends the first time you try shrooms in the same way that it's not necessary to be with a group of friends the first time you try anything, but it helps. I'd highly recommend being in a small group, say 3 or 4 close friends and for best results at least one of them should be sober in case you need someone to get help or stop you from running on middle of a road when cars are coming. What you have to understand is that Hallucinogens distort your vision of reality to an extent that you're unaware if you're dreaming or awake, hence why it can be so dangerous and you could start freaking out if surrounded by people you wouldn't trust your life on. However, no one has ever died of a shroom or LSD overdose, just like weed.
A vaporizer is the healthiest way to smoke. You see, the reason smoking weed is bad is because you're inhaling smoke, carbon dioxide, not because of weed itself. When in a joint, you only inhale about 30% of the THC, the rest gets burnt and wasted. With a Vaporizer you put the weed in the vaporizer. They're usually electric. It will heat up your bud to the perfect temperature that the THC "boils off" and mixes it with water vapor, hence the term "vaporizer". You get 100% of the THC, you're breathing water vapor which isn't harmful really and the nugget remains fresh! It won't burn it at all which means that you can roll it up in a cigarette later if you want, though it won't give you a high, just a taste.
My DMT trip was short and not intense because I only smoked a small dose, though it was amazing. It breaks down the barriers of reality and gives you a whole new perspective to existence. It can and probably will change the way you view life forever, in a good way.
I'd stay away from Adderall, because it's composed of 4 types of Amphetamine. You know that thing from breaking bad?  Also known as "Crystal Meth". Yep, they're essentially giving kids Meth while saying Cannabis is bad. Just one of the fucked up things about modern society.
Quote:Link said:

In my arrogant opinion, I think drug taking is a deplorable behaviour, no matter what type, how strong they are, or quantity. Yes, it may give you a temporary high and escape from all of the worlds problems, however it WILL rob you in the long run, whether it be from your wallet, or the thing most sacred to you, your life.

But as Aviator says, legal drugs are ethical... caffeine and medication are inevitable - illegal narcotics are not.

I disagree. You see, I used to think the same way, however I moved countries twice and seeing how other people from all around the world use the drugs has really shift my perspective. You see, when you imagine someone taking "pills", you imagine a Ned (English slang for Non Educated Delinquent) at a rave just wanting to get off his face and forget about reality. It couldn't be further away from the truth to be honest. You see, what you've said about drugs includes Alcohol (Alcohol is a drug and a very dangerous one compared to others). People drink alcohol, doesn't mean every single one of them will become an alcoholic, doesn't spend all their money on alcohol and not everyone is going to die from alcohol poisoning. 
I also disagree with "Legal drugs" being "Ethical". Cigarettes kill more than half a million people every year. Alcohol kills more than 3 million people every year. Prescription drugs kill more people in the US every year than cocaine and heroin combined. We give our children who don't perform well in school Meth.
Is it Ethical to drug our children with a substance more addictive and dangerous than Heroin?
Is it Ethical to allow companies to purposely poison the cigarettes you smoke with addictive substances and thousands of lethal chemicals that kill millions?
Is it Ethical to allow Alcohol? A substance that causes huge addiction and kills millions too?
Is it Ethical to allow Prescription drugs as they are when they cause more deaths than Cocaine and Heroin combined?
Caffeine and Medication is avoidable. I avoid medication as much as possible because it's made by people who only care what I can pay rather than what's actually healthy for me, and that's a well known fact.
The problem with society is that we somehow think that "Illegal" means bad and "Legal" means good. Slavery was legal once. It was illegal for you to vote if you were black or a woman at one point. Legality is just a point of view by a small group of people who have their ears so full of money by "Donors" they couldn't care less about your problems. Laws are made to benefit those with the most money, and I'm not talking about the top 1%, I'm talking about the top 0.001%.
For example, why is LSD, Shrooms, Weed, Mescaline, MDMA... Illegal? Surely they must be more addictive or cause more deaths than the legal substances? Well... Think again.

No one has  EVER overdosed on LSD, Shrooms or weed for example. LSD and Shrooms are used to help people with terminal illnesses to help them accept the fact that they will die among other things, like top inventors the like of Steve Jobs and great speakers have put LSD/shrooms as one of the 3 most life changing positive experiences of their LIFE. We also have to understand that 95% of deaths related to cocaine or MDMA aren't because of an overdose on the substance itself, but because it was something else, sold as MDMA or Cocaine. What really causes deaths is the current situation is that there's no regulation of substances so you don't know 100% if what you've been sold is actually the real thing. THAT, is the main danger, not the substances themselves.

MDMA is being used to treat PTSD on military veterans. It is said that over 80% of people that go through the treatment with MDMA notice very significant changes opposed to 20 odd percent of people that just follow prescription pills.

Weed is being used to treat cancer, it kills certain cancer cells, it helps stop attacks from serious diseases who don't have a "cure", reducing attacks from over 100 a day to 1 a WEEK.

I invite you to look up "Legal drugs" that have popped up in the UK in the last few years and how even though they're legal they're causing people who were addicted to Heroin to leave Heroin and become addicted to the new drug. Look up "Spice", Vice did an excellent documentary on it.

So, in essence, are our laws Ethical? No. Addiction is a mental condition, not a crime.

Quote:Midget said:

IMO. Fearless shouldn't encourage this behavior or support it with letting you make a topic about it, obviously boosting your self-esteem and your willingness to do these drugs

You can buy and use drugs in the server, yet it's not alright to speak about it on the forum? I believe FL is not here to nanny people around, it's a community and we should bring down the "Taboo" walls of what we should and shouldn't talk about. I don't seem a problem here, we're not telling him where to buy illegal stuff.
Live a good life. If there's a god and he's just, he will not care of how devout you are, he will accept you for the virtues you have based your life upon. If there's no god, then you will have gone, but you will have lived a noble life which will stay in the memories of those that you love.

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