Have you ever experimented with anything?
What kind of drugs did you try and what were the effects? 
Would you recommend taking these drugs?

Drugs I'd like to try:

Not interested in weed. Tried it three times and it had 0 effect, neither did it make me feel happy..

So I'm a sporty kinda guy and I want to keep my lungs in good shape so I needed an alternative to smoking weed. Instead, I ate it. Ofcourse I didn't straight up eat it but I decided to make an edible. After doing some research I found out about decarboxylation and how you need the THC to bind with fats. Sounds complicated but all you really gotta do is mix the grinded weed with something fat. Didn't really have anything in the house so I straight up took some Peanutbutter and mixed that shit. Also added some Olive oil just incase. I then threw it in the oven at about 04:00 AM (because yes, I still live with my parents and I want to do it without them knowing) and waited 24 minutes before I got it out (175 degrees celcius if you're curious). By the way, we're talking about 2 grams of white widow grinded up and added to the mix.. When taken out the oven the Peanutbutter smell actually masked the smell of the weed, which was a good thing! During the midday I kind of wanted to try it out. I put the full 2 grams on a sandwich, ate it and waited. It was probably the most disgusting sandwich I've ever had and I now dislike the taste of Peanutbutter. After about 2 hours my eyes started to feel heavy.. It kind of made me feel really sleepy. In no way did it make me feel relaxed or happy. I actually felt down and generally depressed. After about 8 full hours I decided to go to bed and hope to wake up without the 'high'.
The only drug u need is pussy

This is for you: 

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[Image: We-Got-A-Badass-Over-Here-XP-Level-Up-Sound.jpg]

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[Image: We-Got-A-Badass-Over-Here-XP-Level-Up-Sound.jpg]

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[Image: We-Got-A-Badass-Over-Here-XP-Level-Up-Sound.jpg]

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[Image: We-Got-A-Badass-Over-Here-XP-Level-Up-Sound.jpg]

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[Image: We-Got-A-Badass-Over-Here-XP-Level-Up-Sound.jpg]

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[Image: We-Got-A-Badass-Over-Here-XP-Level-Up-Sound.jpg]

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[Image: We-Got-A-Badass-Over-Here-XP-Level-Up-Sound.jpg]

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[Image: We-Got-A-Badass-Over-Here-XP-Level-Up-Sound.jpg]

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We are like butterflies who flutter for a day and think it is forever.
The following 2 users Like Haarek's post:
  • aviator, Agorith
Lol MDMA, your be up for days if its your first time.
try coke first lol
and make sure your with friends
and dont do pussy lines, do a .5 line lolllll.
(01-17-2016, 02:01 AM)Sentinel Wrote: Lol MDMA, your be up for days if its your first time.
try coke first lol
and make sure your with friends
and dont do pussy lines, do a .5 line lolllll.

Don't worry, I got sleeping pills if that helps. Not sure about the cocaine thing but I'll try to have some friends with me when doing particular drugs. Have you ever done cocaine?
cocaine isn't that good imo, lasts about half an hour and you pay a fat fucking 40 euros for a gram, in a nights out with coke i could snort like 120 euros. I'd rather spend 15 euros on 3 xtc pills and get a hangover due to being awake for 54 hours or something.

wise mans tip: do mdma once every 3 months or more, you're body will build up and the effects will be less intense and shorter, used to do it like once every 3 weeks for about a year, and i had to take a considerable amount to reach that cap that i would like to have and it would pass in about 3 hours.

shrooms+mdma is the best combo i've been on honestly, that shit hardcore.
Don't do drugs, but MDMA and DMT is worth a try.
Inb4 someone says "I don't do drugs" when they take prescription pills, drink caffeine and/or alcohol.

I first tried some substances last year, though I've only occasionally taken them. Best drug you could start off with is MDMA. MDMA is a "safe" drug. What I mean by safe is that if you take some MDMA you are basically guaranteed a good time. MDMA releases huge amounts of Dopamine, which is what makes you feel good and happy, just like when you work out your body releases Dopamine and you feel "Pumped up and ready to go" times 100. The only thing you need to be careful is that many people claim to sell MDMA but 50% of the stuff isn't the real thing. If you want to play it safe, buy a test kit!

I personally consider Cocaine a "waste" of money. It barely does anything unless you got the "real shit", but for that you need to go see Pablo Escobar or his cousin in Colombia. Purity is shit everywhere else, so I'd pass on it unless someone offers you it, because fuck it, can't say no to free stuff y'know.

I've tried shrooms once, though they weren't very potent. Tried LSD twice though, now that's something else. If you're thinking of trying a hallucinogen I'd start with shrooms. What you got to understand is that it can be the best experience of your life but it's all about "set and setting". Be with a small group of people you trust, like your best friends. Make sure you're all in a good mood before trying, and for best results, have a "trip sitter", someone with experience that will be there the first time you try it in case you start freaking out a bit.

I've also tried a little bit of DMT. It's the substance that's in every living being and creates your dreams, near death experiences, out of body experiences, etc. Lasts between 2 and 5 minutes when smoked because your body is designed to break DMT down really quick. No after effects, up and down in a few minutes. However, it's extremely difficult to come by and not cheap either.

In regards to an alternative to smoking weed, have you ever tried a vaporizer?

Best of luck in your journeys! Don't hesitate to ask any questions you may have ^^
Live a good life. If there's a god and he's just, he will not care of how devout you are, he will accept you for the virtues you have based your life upon. If there's no god, then you will have gone, but you will have lived a noble life which will stay in the memories of those that you love.
I don't take drugs for deliberate highs, but take medication.

Weed had a decent effect on me, it is also linked to my condition greatly using THC based oils as a 'cure' which made me want to try some. Never really caught on, I just enjoy drinking alcohol really. That's my high.
Like FearIezz said, don't do coke unless you have alot of $$$$, wears off too fast. try LSD, extacy, or adderal
The following 2 users Like Greed^'s post:
  • FEaRIeZz, Awestruck
I know you got them cash greed, let's buckle up and sniff together haha.

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