Report: garry :D
Thread Title: Report: garry Cheese

Name of player: garry Cheese

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:7099 or STEAM_0:1:9213

Time in GMT: 14:25

Server: v2d

Summary: The person who trying to be the real garry, was propclimbing on the roof of KFC, with XXX admin/admins allows him to do this, normal player would recive atlast 1 day ban for such thing.

[Image: image.png]
Doctor KuLa
Always Drunk
.....he was the real garry
(12-25-2015, 04:02 PM)frede0078 Wrote: .....he was the real garry

He isn't. It was announced on a thread that we got trolled.
Regardless of who he is he should be punished.
Really? Where? Haha i got the achivement, how did that happen tho?

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