Ban Request on 4 people
Name of player: THEIF

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:25168866

Time in GMT: Around 2:50

Summary: He randomly tried to raid the FUMUKU training facility, but failed, so he randomly lockpicked a firetruck and drove off with it.

You can see all the other Corleone's with guns out as well.


Name of player: Gagunga

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:22056396

Time in GMT: Around 3:00

Summary: He pulled out a rope in the middle of the street then tied me up... randomly



Name of player: Woody™

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:9072731

Time in GMT: Same time

Summary: He pulled out a crowbar and killed the guy who tied me up as a taxi driver... randomly



Name of player: Okiver

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:26244418

Time in GMT: Same time

Summary: He killed me... randomly... after the taxi driver killed the man who tied me up... randomly


The last three were in the matter of 10 seconds... it was crazy... and random
ya i started getting the truck cause we were walking all the way from the corliones house
So you confess that you randomly lockpicked a truck just because you didn't want to walk?
(10-23-2011, 04:01 AM)elder189 Wrote: Name of player: THEIF

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:25168866

Time in GMT: Around 2:50

Summary: He randomly tried to raid the FUMUKU training facility, but failed, so he randomly lockpicked a firetruck and drove off with it.

You can see all the other Corleone's with guns out as well.


Name of player: Gagunga

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:22056396

Time in GMT: Around 3:00

Summary: He pulled out a rope in the middle of the street then tied me up... randomly



Name of player: Woody™

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:9072731

Time in GMT: Same time

Summary: He pulled out a crowbar and killed the guy who tied me up as a taxi driver... randomly



Name of player: Okiver

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:26244418

Time in GMT: Same time

Summary: He killed me... randomly... after the taxi driver killed the man who tied me up... randomly


The last three were in the matter of 10 seconds... it was crazy... and random

I can attest to the validity of this information. Random raiding and random stealing of cars. I was in the FUMUKU base working at the time of both of these actions.
As we pulled up to our facility they opened fire on us, killing 2/3 people inside the hummer, proceeded to torch the place, and shoot anyone who pulled inside, not sure who else besides THEIF was there though
Saint Dogbert: The patron saint of technology
[Image: Saint_dogbert.jpg]
u guys tried running me over thats y i killed you
my reason was because i needed transportation for my team and then u guys come and allmost run me over so we kill you
Also if you look at the logs u can find that the people in the hummer that i killed blackdog i think they came back and killed us so they broke nlr
We had 6+ people online, 2/3 people in the hummer died, 3rd called the rest and fought back and won, we eventualy found props inside the compound against our walls showing that somone hand been climbing over, again not sure if its related to the raid group though.

I tried to run you over after you shot, did not get very far, 2-5 feet maybe before i was killed along with my 2nd passenger, shockingly the 3rd guy survived and waited inside until you guys had left him

You guys also did come back after a short time in force, stole 1 of our cars, attempted to steal 1 and ran over 2 of my guys who were trying to stop you while the rest of the mob left in a stolen firetruck

An unrelated question i have though, are you useing multiple accounts THEIF? Because the only theif who was online at the time had 30+ hours, while i swear you have far more, 100+

Edit: Video relateing to car theft incident with mob a short time after

They came back and tried to steal our vehicles not long after, succeded in stealing one of them.

THEIF was the don at the time, in my opinion you dont have a group of 6 mob members in one area unless under direct orders from the Don
Saint Dogbert: The patron saint of technology
[Image: Saint_dogbert.jpg]
I was the one not killed in the Hummer. You guys had raided us for no reason, we had nothing in the facility except for targets on a shooting range. I ended up killing most of you guys after you attempted to try and steal our cars, then the rest stole a firetruck and ran off.
Ban request approved

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