Player Report: Baaski (2) RDM
Name of player: Baaski

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:31259911

Time in GMT: ~15:08

Server: V2d

Summary: He killed me for no Reason. And he was invisible?

Oh I forgot. He was the President before. He was Killed by a Criminal Guy. After his dead I was the President. No I dont arrest them or give them a Warrant or somethink like that.
Player Report: Approved

Closing Notes: Accused found guilty of random raid. As for the invisibility, it is a fairly common client side error. it can be fixed by reconnecting.

Additionally, yourself and the Vice President at the time will be receiving bans.

You - Misuse of Doors

VP - Insulting players OOCly.

Fearless Moderator
Kind Regards,

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