Propclimb and random tranqing
Name of player: :^) | (And another unknown guy)

SteamID: :^) | = STEAM_0:0:62202963
          Mysty = STEAM_0:0:72806772

Time in GMT: Around 00:40-00:45

Server: v33x

Summary: I saw people getting random tranqed and I spotted these 2 guys on the roof, you can see in the first clip that one of them is a gun dealer, and there was only one gun dealer online at that time, which was ":^) |" the other player I dont know who was, but you could probably check the logs to find out. (There is a link below the video to another video)

After searching through the logs and using both of your evidence videos, I can confirm that the person who tranqued you in your second video was a player called ♕MystY♕™ Please add his Steam ID to the report so that he can be punished. - STEAM_0:0:72806772

I will continue to search for the other person on the roof top.
[Image: tgRQtsH.png]
(11-28-2015, 02:03 PM)Tomo Wrote: After searching through the logs and using both of your evidence videos, I can confirm that the person who tranqued you in your second video was a player called ♕MystY♕™ Please add his Steam ID to the report so that he can be punished. - STEAM_0:0:72806772

I will continue to search for the other person on the roof top.

Report partially approved.

♕MystY♕™ - STEAM_0:0:72806772 has been given a weapons blacklist and a 1 day ban for tranquillising people randomly from on top of an inaccessible rooftop (implied propclimb).

Thanks for your report.

I will try to find out who the other person was.

Note to administrators: Please do not close this report yet.
[Image: tgRQtsH.png]
What are you doing on the roof? Oh wait that's an air conditioning unit. - Suarez 2k15

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