Report Professor. PR0N
Name of player: Professor. PR0N

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:80402904

Time in GMT: 21:47 GMT+1

Breaking fearRP, abusing bug.

He got out due to him being forced out with a ram.
I told him that there was a BR on him, to make sure he could defend himself, this is his answer(of which show very little care for the community):
I had a warrant for no reason issued by an officer. Therefore I should not have been asked to stop.
(11-26-2015, 11:22 PM)_Dawson Wrote: I had a warrant for no reason issued by an officer. Therefore I should not have been asked to stop.

That really does not make a difference: at gunpoint, fearRP applies.
Report reviewed and approved

Closing notes:
Professor. PR0N (STEAM_0:1:80402904) was found guilty of breaking FearRP, he was pulled out of the vehicle multiple times but ignored the weapons pointed at him and entered his car again.

Professor. PR0N will be issued with a 1 day ban from the servers.

[FL:M] SnowredWolf
Fearless Moderator

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