Hello all! I'm Sulder! I've been using the server for a while now and decided to join the site. That is... about All I can think to say right now. Sorry for not providing much of an introduction! ^_^"
Hello, Welcome to FearLess Community. Smile

Our servers is down atm. :/
Welcome to Fearless!

Yeah, it sucks. :L
i think i've seen you on before.. Welcome to FL! and yeah as others have said the servers are down atm thanks to a nerdrager :/
Welcome to Fearless,

Enjoy your stay. Tounge

(Love your signature btw.)
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:1:40601685&b=10]
(10-19-2011, 10:33 AM)Equalizer Wrote: Welcome to Fearless,

Enjoy your stay. Tounge

(Love your signature btw.)

Thanks! My friend made it for me.
Welcome to FL bro
Haiz der! Welcome to Fearless yo!
Welcome to Lifeless! Ehm I mean Fearless!
Hello and welcome to Fearless! Smile

Enjoy your stay bro.

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