Uban Request Kaparoto and menbro re-request
our name: KAPAroto STEAM_0:1:110301896 , menbro STEAM_0:1:93210171

Your ban ID: KAPAroto - 59134 , menbro - 59135

Banned by: [FL] Dig

Reason: Double-Accounting

Involved: Only me (KAPAroto)

Why we should unban you:


That UBR was 8 months ago, I asked him exactly what evidence he wants and instead of giving me a concrete answer he asked me the same question, I really hope the new staff treats these things more seriously than the old one because I really don't know why I'm being denied so many days of play where I could actually CONTRIBUTE to this server and community instead of being banned for entering the server while my brother had a 1 DAY BAN and get permanently banned, that's such an awful system and we were just forced to forget about your server because no one wanted to talk about this when I added admins on steam and asked for them to look and help, you're just denying the wrong players access from your servers, I want to play here and I really like the game mod this is the only community in gmod that actually is fun to play, please, consider my unban, we waited this entire time nearing a year now and I want to be able to enjoy this server again, thank you team.
Alright. So I have looked into your ban. Now from what I can see you conveniently joined the server not long after the account "menbro" was banned. Also you are both coming from the same IP which is quite suspicious as well. Do you care to explain this?
[Image: ay3uwl.jpg]

Signature made by MasterNoda
1. My brother lives in university but back then when he comes home he plays so ofcourse there is same ip I even wrote it in the other thread
2. It was my first few weeks on fearless and I really enjoyed it, you are accusing me of joining conveniently after he got banned but IT WAS A ONE DAY BAN how can I join LATER than 1 day if the ban was ONE DAY LONG? I feel like there is never escape from you guys, we've been banned for ALMOST A YEAR and still you will sit here and ask the SAME QUESTIONS instead of reading the other thread, the admins here have no heart if you are really going to keep me banned for this, you think I would not wait ONE DAY?? Now I had to wait ALMOST A YEAR so if that is not enough punishment for you then it just shows you don't want players on your server and I will be very sad if we don't get unbanned now
(11-02-2015, 04:56 PM)SoulRipper Wrote: If no staff member replies on your unban request within 7 days, your request will always be in your advantage and your ban will be removed from your record.

It's been 14 days, 2 whole weeks, don't tell me "We've been investigating this issue all this time" because I saw the unban request section It's been filled and emptied a couple of times during these weeks and the only request that was left here is mine, and since no one is investigating this and It's just been left here, unban me now.
You cant demand us. That rule applies to the first reply. In this case NightHawkd replied on the same day and the rule is void.
Denied. After looking into the ban your account joined after your "brother" had been banned from the server therefore "you" were circumventing a ban. As further note you can not demand us to unban you.

Thank you,

Fearless Admin
[Image: ay3uwl.jpg]

Signature made by MasterNoda

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