UBR - mark.weber
Your name: [FL:RP] mark.weber

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:145607673

Your ban ID: 67095

Banned by: [FL:M] Ivan Tempski

Reason: FailRP, hanging a citizen over the nexus bridge as SRU, should know better

Involved: -

Why we should unban you: The actual truth is, that i was about to Interrogate a man for, being released from prison by a criminal, so i procided building, then Ivan Tempski Shows up, immediately Froze's me, delete's all the things i build and takes me somewhere between the elevator floors, keep this in mind as well, i asked him multiple time's when he showed up "How do i create a rope? So the chat starts "He: You are FailRPing. Me: how was i? im trying to interrogate him. He: Think about it. He: You are supposed to protect citizens. (By the way, im an SRU i respond to high risk situations i dont patrol) He: Its FailRP. (How is the SRU, not allowed to interrogate?) Me: I need to eat give me 5 minutes please I will be here soon. Then i come back, and im banned. We, the people who Donated to the server, that we love, and we fund gives us this. we dont get respect from the staff, atleast not all of them. I love the server by it self, but i dont want to be treated like a jew in a concetration camp, I deserve better, as well as everyone else on the server.  Thank you, Mark Weber
I didn't see you building honestly, all I saw was you hanging a pod over the nexus bridge.
[Image: IgcIQgP.png]
User already unbanned.

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