Report: SirMinus
[b]Name of player[/b]:[FL:RP] SirMinus™

[b]SteamID[/b]: STEAM_0:1:31977033

[b]Time in GMT[/b]: 2:45 ESTish

[b]Server[/b]: v2d

[b]Summary[/b]: failrp, unfortunately didn't get evidence on him bringing a gun into nexus labs and trying to shoot a cop :^)

[Image: NSa3sEh.jpg]
He admitted he was going to raid... he has been BMD the entire time.
[Image: PLZJ2kA.jpg?1]
[Image: nypdcruiser.gif]
(11-09-2015, 07:56 PM)Goigle Wrote:
[b]Name of player[/b]:[FL:RP] SirMinus™

[b]SteamID[/b]: STEAM_0:1:31977033

[b]Time in GMT[/b]: 2:45 ESTish

[b]Server[/b]: v2d

[b]Summary[/b]: failrp, unfortunately didn't get evidence on him bringing a gun into nexus labs and trying to shoot a cop :^)

[Image: NSa3sEh.jpg]

This is minus but the pass on my account is unknown to me. Basically, I was in the garage about to raid the guys down there with a few friends when I get to the elevator to labs and I go behind the door and load my gun and then once it was loaded I walked up to the elevator and am waiting for it to come up then "goigle" decides to taze me and say "I saw you reloading your gun through the window" which wasn't possible as he was in the doorway at the time. I would like to counter player-report as he metagamed by reading the "Samuel "Minus" Jackson equipped his AK-47 message".
I would like to know, SirMinus, why you were;

1. An Orange
2. Raiding as a BMD

Fearless Moderator
(11-09-2015, 08:01 PM)Fab Wrote: This is minus but the pass on my account is unknown to me. Basically, I was in the garage about to raid the guys down there with a few friends when I get to the elevator to labs and I go behind the door and load my gun and then once it was loaded I walked up to the elevator and am waiting for it to come up then "goigle" decides to taze me and say "I saw you reloading your gun through the window" which wasn't possible as he was in the doorway at the time. I would like to counter player-report as he metagamed by reading the "Samuel "Minus" Jackson equipped his AK-47 message".

lol when I heard you loading ammo ( a really loud noise and hearing it is NOT metagaming) I started looking through the window to see who was doing it. You were the only one in the room and I saw the gun before you put it away
[Image: nypdcruiser.gif]
(11-09-2015, 08:03 PM)Hitman Wrote: I would like to know, SirMinus, why you were;

1. An Orange
2. Raiding as a BMD

Fearless Moderator
I changed my job to "orange" in jail as a little joke, I'm not going to make excuses for that and I was raiding because my friends said they needed help so I went down their with them to supply casings when they needed. The gun was simply protection if I got cornered.
User found guilty of FailRP and raiding as BMD.

Player report Approved.

Fearless Moderator
[Image: ay3uwl.jpg]

Signature made by MasterNoda

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