This is bullshit
Your name: Misterbobbie

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:93493725

Your ban ID: Misterbobbie

Banned by: Suarez

Reason: Double accounting


Why we should unban you: So basically i saw another UBR about some guy getting unbanned for the staff member not being in the team, i think this should be for me too. ( )
[Image: fyBYJXx.png]
I hate to tell you this Bobbie, but Suarez is back in the team now.
[Image: tgRQtsH.png]
Denied. Your ban was recent and we can not trust that you will not do this again. Also as Tomo has said Suarez is back on the team.

Thank you,

Fearless Admin
[Image: ay3uwl.jpg]

Signature made by MasterNoda

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