BR: DrugsDucky and Tiwer
Name of players:

DrugsDucky: STEAM_0:0:5628529
Tiwer: STEAM_0:0:31574377

Time in GMT:
13:45 Random Tranq me
13:46 They Raid the first Person and killed him 2 times in a row.
13:49 They trough a molotow Cocktail - and killed me.
13:50 I spawned - they killed me instant
13:51 I spanwed - they killed me instant again
13:53 They raid the 3rd Person in this village. After i film the Name of them, they killed me again
13:53 i spawned and they killed me again

Server: v33x

Summary: You can see in the Video that i got tranqed.
I start watching this Gun Dealer and this BMD how they raid 3 houses in a row and killed everyone who respawn at the Villas. They did massive RDM and raiding everyone who tried to play passiv RP. They didnt expect that i record everything they did...

I hope they will be banned for a Long time, because its just anoying and ruin my game...

I went with my friend Drugsducky to the corleones, to sell them stuff. They requested it. When I came there, I got shot. I ran away with DrugsDucky, I didn't do anything So I got back for my revenge, We tranqed you yes, because you were sniping us. And we went in that house, but you came back after you died, So I see you breaking NLR. We didn't mean to do anything evil, but if the corleones thread us and try to kill us... By the way, my job was Criminal Black Market Dealer. I was selling guys stuff so I was doing my job.
Dude... please dont anoy me more now ok?

U random tranq me and the BMD who was next to me on the Roof.
U raid as BMD

btw. why i have to talk to you? Just watch the Video by yourself and accept that u did some bullshit.

U Play here since 2012 and do things like this?

btw. if you watch this Video, you can see that i didnt "die" in this house, i was the guy with the camera on the Roof.
No, we have a reason, You walked with 1 minute NLR TImer into the house to us, what's that than? not bannable ?
The NLR timer was, cause u killed me instant after i respawn the second time. i saw a burning house and thought you are raiding now the 3rd house in a row. - Btw. u do backseatadmin?

It goes more and more worse for you dude...
I raided as CRIMINAL black market yeah, but why? You guys shot me, i ran away, got health kit and came back! You broke NLR, you will get banned too for that.
If they kill Tiwer - he cant remember.

The Story is going more and more confusing. First Tiwer wrote that he was visiting you at the Villas, now you tell us that Tiwer got killed and you guys seek for revange? wtf?!

Btw. check my Kill-Death Statistic, you see i didnt killed a single Person. - you guys lying thats amazing haha
Your friend shot me, Like I said: I got shot, and DIDN"T DIE
Shit happens. He delete his comment now and you think i didnt made a screenshot? #fail

EDIT: Why you change the text of your answer? I made a screenshot what u wrote before Smile
[Image: drugsduckylyingcy2w7dp19o.png]
btw another funny fact is, that no one of this 2 corleones who were left had a single kill (one of them was me).

So about who exactly are you talking?
"Corleones killed my friend, we want revenge"

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