BR: much choiziz
Name of player: much choiziz

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:20206581

Time in GMT: 20:47

Server: v33x

Summary: Random Tranq without reason - not here to Play passiv RP
It Looks like it was the Player "much choiziz" - cause of the vidio evidence of rand0m0mg.

- please check the Logs at 20:47 GMT - than you will find him.

[Image: randomtranqgkr3beazn0.png]

*kinda involved*

I saw some guy an hour later with a tranq in the city. Same guy is visible on the scoreboard on the picture.

He's in the end of this video:

Could just be a coincidence.

His name is "much choiziz" (STEAM_0:1:20206581)
allright - so i m sorry.

so it would be:

"much choiziz" (STEAM_0:1:20206581)

BTW your Video is 12 minutes later. because i used the time GMT and you used CET.
Insufficient evidence. Accused user was not found guilty of breaking rules.

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