Unban Request: Budy
Your name: Budy

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:0:1839316

Your ban ID: 65863

Banned by: [FL] NightHawkd

Reason: Stealing a car a citizen and Stealing a car on a busy road

Involved: Rims, General Weed

Why we should unban you: 
The primary reason was that it was not me who stole the car. I don't know if NightHawkd saw the whole thing and got me confused as 3 people were wearing the same suit, but logs will show that I neither equipped or used a lockpick on the car. The car was picked in BP and a clan member yelled for me to jump in. The cop car door glitched (when it drops you out when you get in) and the car ended up with 3 people in and me as the driver. We were then stopped by the SRU sergeant (I believe this was general weed), where we were stopped at gunpoint and would have been arrested, but nighthawkd picked me up.

When I explained the situation to Nighthawkd he seemed distracted and reluctant to listen, and I wasn't given much chance to defend myself. 

The second confusing thing is my ban length, after the recent drama about ban lengths being uniform, why am I suddenly handed a 2 day ban, instead of a 1 day ban? It seems a bit lengthy for the situation, especially when you consider that I didn't actually steal the car.

TL;DR: Banned for 2 days for stealing a car at BP, wasn't me that did it.
Requesting the ban be removed and stricken from the record.

Thanks for reading,


It was me who actually stole the car and I even came forward with this information after Budy was banned but Nighthawk insisted that he would stand by his previous decision.
                   The Undisputed Forum Champion. The Biggest Minge to ever grace FL:RP. The only person Awestruck has truly recognized as his equal.

[Image: nWL9pLZ.png]
Another piece of information which I should maybe mention:
The car moved about 1 car length before I realised it was me driving, then I stopped before we were swiftly approached by SRU (it wasn't some long car chase etc).
Ok lets start with the ban length. When it comes to how long or even what punishment is given it is up to the staff member handling the case at that time. I looked at all the factors and decided that a 2 day ban would be sufficient enough. As for the stealing a car it does not primarily mean that just locking the vehicle. It can even include you just getting in the car and taking off with it without permission of the car owner. Which is what happened here. I also gave you plenty of time to sit there and defend yourself. I was not preoccupied with anything I had something typed out and was waiting until you were done typing before sending the command.
[Image: ay3uwl.jpg]

Signature made by MasterNoda
If you look at the comment I added, I never had any intention of even driving the car, I was supposed to be a passenger to Rims. I don't know if the cop car glitch is well known, but after entering the car Rims was chucked out after a millesecond (on the other side to me). Anyone that saw it could confirm that the car barely even left the BP pumps where it started (so I didn't 'take off with it').

The ban length also still doesn't make sense to me, people getting banned for fearrp etc (which i'd argue is worse) only get a day ban. This is irrelevant really as there shouldn't be a ban at all.

Also with the "I wasn't preoccupied" statement you just made, the fact that you had pre-typed your response kinda shows that you didn't really listen to what I had to say.

You have some-one here admitting to stealing the car, it was a simple accident that lasted a couple of seconds and has been wrongfully over-punished. I don't see why this is in any way ban worthy. I know it isn't easy to admit you were wrong and go back on your decision, but I really feel hard done by here, so I urge you to support my unban request.
Again I listened to what you had said and thought about it. I was giving you the curtosy of saying what you needed to say. As for the one day bans that is all that moderators can ban for and if they think it needs an extention then they ask for it.
[Image: ay3uwl.jpg]

Signature made by MasterNoda
I just don't see why this ban is necessary. What does it do? It's not like I was terrorizing the server, random stealing someone's car, I accidentally got in the drivers seat instead of the passengers seat, and I get a 2 day ban. This isn't something to "teach me a lesson" or even protect others on the server. The ban serves absolutely no purpose unless you can highlight one?
I don't know if you guys have like, quotas, or it just makes you feel good to assert your power, but why does this ban even exist?
You havn't offered any real rebuttal or justification for banning me.
I am not asserting my power nor do we have any form of quota... You broke the rules and I punished you. Simple as that.
[Image: ay3uwl.jpg]

Signature made by MasterNoda
I just explained to you how I wasn't breaking the rules, and you don't seem to have even acknowledged/denied my points, which makes this feel like a "because I said so" ban. Unless you want to deny what i've said to clarify the situation, i'd like another admin to look at this thread and offer their opinions on the ban.
Morning all involved, just waiting for another admin to visit this thread and hopefully review the situation. Smile

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