Report: Klor
Name of player: Klor

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:49798846

Time in GMT: ~10:50 EST

Server: v2d



[Image: tgaX71t.jpg]
[Image: nypdcruiser.gif]
Did you add the part where you randomly tazed and arrested tizzi, dc'd when hostaged, chair lifted your way out of time-out, dc'd to avoid arrest (twice in total) and constantly mic spammed following us and prop minging.

What you forgot to mention was in the first video, there was a keypad on each side and in the second I was building a shop before you came in and tried to get yourself killed by me.

Admins please check logs, it'll confirm all this.
(09-11-2015, 03:20 AM)Klor204 Wrote: Did you add the part where you randomly tazed and arrested tizzi, dc'd when hostaged, chair lifted your way out of time-out, dc'd to avoid arrest (twice in total) and constantly mic spammed following us and prop minging.

What you forgot to mention was in the first video, there was a keypad on each side and in the second I was building a shop before you came in and tried to get yourself killed by me.

Admins please check logs, it'll confirm all this.

1: Random tazing
It wasn't random. Had you asked for an explanation I would have given it. If you are talking about when I think you were, you had a baseball bat out and were either:
  1. Fleeing from me (valid reason)
  2. Had a melee weapon out (valid reason)
  3. Attacking a person or a vehicle (valid reason)
2: Random arrest
I don't remember why I arrested tizzi but it was probably for any of the following:
  1. Assault
  2. Battery
  3. Criminal destruction of property
3: DC to avoid hostage/arrest whatever
I don't remember dcing when hostaged, however one time my game was freezing and I could not see anything so I immediately rejoined. Rather than "backseat administrate" you could have simply PMed me and I would have gladly continued the RP.
What was the reason for taking me hostage by the way?

4: Chair abuse
Are you talking about when I was stuck in a wall (not to escape anything) and I used a chair to get stuck out of  a wall, when you purchased doors inside the building I already owned to trap me inside? Also, what is time-out, or are you admitting to attempted backseat administration?

5: DC to avoid arrest
I never DCed to avoid arrest, you always warranted me instantly and put me in jail. Logs will show that.

6: Building a shop
You were also not building a shop, you were a citizen and set that up for My Kills Are Luck could chase me in the clothing store with a baseball bat. It's a shame I didn't start fraps while you were setting it up.
[Image: nypdcruiser.gif]
tl:dr whatever lies you came up with
burden of proof of me lying is on you not me
[Image: nypdcruiser.gif]
This is the only proof I could gather that I'm not lying, this is about the disconnecting. There is some gamemode issue or something where I keep freezing (doesn't happen on other servers) and I can't do anything.
It's not me disconnecting my router or internet, you can see because there is no timeout message in the top right
[Image: nypdcruiser.gif]
(09-11-2015, 03:24 AM)Goigle Wrote:
(09-11-2015, 03:20 AM)Klor204 Wrote: Did you add the part where you randomly tazed and arrested tizzi, dc'd when hostaged, chair lifted your way out of time-out, dc'd to avoid arrest (twice in total) and constantly mic spammed following us and prop minging.

What you forgot to mention was in the first video, there was a keypad on each side and in the second I was building a shop before you came in and tried to get yourself killed by me.

Admins please check logs, it'll confirm all this.

1: Random tazing
It wasn't random. Had you asked for an explanation I would have given it. If you are talking about when I think you were, you had a baseball bat out and were either:
  1. Fleeing from me (valid reason)
  2. Had a melee weapon out (valid reason)
  3. Attacking a person or a vehicle (valid reason)
2: Random arrest
I don't remember why I arrested tizzi but it was probably for any of the following:
  1. Assault
  2. Battery
  3. Criminal destruction of property
3: DC to avoid hostage/arrest whatever
I don't remember dcing when hostaged, however one time my game was freezing and I could not see anything so I immediately rejoined. Rather than "backseat administrate" you could have simply PMed me and I would have gladly continued the RP.
What was the reason for taking me hostage by the way?

4: Chair abuse
Are you talking about when I was stuck in a wall (not to escape anything) and I used a chair to get stuck out of  a wall, when you purchased doors inside the building I already owned to trap me inside? Also, what is time-out, or are you admitting to attempted backseat administration?

5: DC to avoid arrest
I never DCed to avoid arrest, you always warranted me instantly and put me in jail. Logs will show that.

6: Building a shop
You were also not building a shop, you were a citizen and set that up for My Kills Are Luck could chase me in the clothing store with a baseball bat. It's a shame I didn't start fraps while you were setting it up.

I'm pretty sure you had no reason whatsoever to arrest me since I was only around to check what was going on... Not to mention it was 15 minute arrest.

[Image: ?interpolation=lanczos-none&output-forma...olor=black]
The reported player has been found guilty of breaking the rules.

Thank you,

Fearless Moderator
[Image: ay3uwl.jpg]

Signature made by MasterNoda
[Image: grubsiggy.gif]
"A man must stand in the eyes of fear and march on to lead those who follow him to victory. Through these battles, a man will build himself a home, a place of refuge and happiness for those he cares about." - Grub

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