Report: [CG] Reginald & Ventz - Bare Fresh Creps
Name of Player:  [CG] Reginald & Ventz - Bare Fresh Creps

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:52974141 , STEAM_0:1:34409736

Time in GMT: 1:30 AM (more or less)

Server: v2d

Summary: got pulled over because I was driving recklessly OUT OF TOWN by MTL, got handcuffed for NO REASON, and was left with it on.

Well he is a DMG....
On a serious note, leaving a person with handcuffs is something that sometimes happens to me, as I forget it.
You should of ran up to them and asked them to take the handcuffs off, instead of verbally abusing them.

ps. who uses
Your post is irrelevant, you wasn't at the scene.
She got pulled over for absolutely no reason what so ever, she still complied with them even though they were being heavily disrespectful to her.
SHE was the one who was verbally abused by them in the beginning for doing NOTHING, and also you shouldn't have to "ask" for the police to take handcuffs off of you before leaving.
She only got upset when they left her there with the handcuffs on. Please don't talk on here when you're not even involved.

Thanks, Gizmo.
Yeah except your girlfriend missed out the part of  the story when you pulled out a gun shot at the officers.  And I was a part of that.

ps. That's is why Ventz was talking about being DMG, he took Gizmo out when he started shooting at us.
Also your GF got pulled over for driving recklessly.
Evidence has been removed so the player report is being denied.
[Image: ay3uwl.jpg]

Signature made by MasterNoda

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