Report: Owen :P and Xen0n
Name of players: Owen :P and {M:RP} [FL:RP] Xen0n

SteamIDs: STEAM_0:1:47976120 and STEAM_0:1:87879470

Time in GMT: 14:20ish

Server: V33x

Summary: Well, I was peacefully driving round the city in my BMW, you know as you do, and I turned into Nightingale Road. Standing in the road was a Gun Dealer and a rebel both with pistols out. I decided just to go past and not say anything, but I was then shot and killed by the gun dealer and rebel for no reason what so ever.


Sorry for no audio I had a setting pressed on Fraps to make it not work.

Thanks for reading
Have you got any evidence of their names?
I could upload Owen coming over in my death cam and speaking to me, but I'm sure the logs are available to double check.
I will upload the video tomorrow when I get a chance, but if its easier to just check the logs, go for it.
Player Report on: Owen Tounge approved for the reason RDM, assisting a Gun Dealer as Rebel
Player Report on: {M:RP} [FL:RP] Xen0n approved for the reason RDM, assisting a Rebel as Gun Dealer

Thank you for reporting,

[FL:M] Suarez
Fearless Moderation Team
[Image: grubsiggy.gif]
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