Thread Title: Report: <name>
Name of player: brady

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:88399070

Time in GMT: 12/08/2015 13:00

Server: 2vd

Summary: What happened was we killed a police officer we were going to steal his car but then he reconnected.
Do you have any evidence to show that it was brady's vehicle?
What are you doing on the roof? Oh wait that's an air conditioning unit. - Suarez 2k15
thats all the evidence I have but reconnecting shows it all
Player Report for: brady denied for the reason Insufficient evidence

[FL:M] Suarez
Fearless Moderation Team
[Image: grubsiggy.gif]
"A man must stand in the eyes of fear and march on to lead those who follow him to victory. Through these battles, a man will build himself a home, a place of refuge and happiness for those he cares about." - Grub

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