Banned for "Walking into cross fire"
Your name: (Ianiks)

Your ban ID: (3831)

Why we should unban you: (Well, i was driving near the U.M, and i wanted to turn around, and then all of a sudden "Faustie" started shooting me like a mad man. He claims that i was fail Rp'ing because i "Walked into crossfire" When, originally, i saw NO gunfire at all, and in a fiery rage, i called him a few names, which i realize was very immature, and uncalled for. But what Faustie did, was not cool. I am very upset, and sorry for insulting an admin. )
I actually didn't shoot you at all, I was too busy with the SS who were spraying us with bullets, who were pretty damn close to you. One even went to your body after whoever got you killed you. Either way, no need to insult me just because you don't believe me.
No admin would randomly kill someone, they get admin status for a reason, that reason is that they can be trusted. Insulting an admin will not be tolerated on this server.
Ban expired.
<3<3 I will never forget you grandfather 14.9.11 R.I.P<3<3

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