Your favourite game(s) and why?
What are your favourite game or games you have played?

Mine would probably be L.A Noire as it is the type of game ive always dreamed of. I've always wanted a game where you play as a detective as it's the job i've always wanted to have in the future. I also love it how they've constructed the facial expressions using their new technology.

So what's yours?
Steam Name: Innocent Criminal (Used to be [FL:RP] Sith Happens)
This might come as a shock...

I like open ended RPG's with sandbox worlds. I guess the best representatives I can come with would be Bethesda Games. With that out of the way, I am currently painfully awaiting Skyrim.

The best MMO I ever played was EVE, it kept me interested for the longest. But then again I don't know how much I "played" it (I just did in-game trading for boatloads of money).
Team Fortress 2.

It's an absolutely crazy game. It involves, and requires, the use of special tactics (sneaking and backstabbing as Spy, shock and awe as Soldier) in order to survive, and heavily emphasises serious teamwork. I also love the art style and the characters (the hats - not so much).

Meet the Team is brilliant, too.
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Diablo 2 is one of my favorites, along with games like Victoria II.
Day of Defeat Source is my fav game World war 2 + awesome maps = Win ! Smile
All the Stronghold games because of the old school epic strategy feeling. Seriously, Crusader was epic.
Supreme Commander - Forged Alliance, because of being the best future strategy game. Huge maps, nukes and robots. Try it.

But my favorites of all games must be and will always be..... Oblivion and Fallout 3. No need to explain this
Gmod(totally best,you can do pretty much EVERYTHING)
RDR(was totally best western game i've played)
Bethesda's games pretty much(I've completed every TES game+DLC)
RO2(Best WWII game i've ever played)
But there is many more of em ^^
GunZ: The Duel, a free online matrix styled action game that kept me addicted to the technical styles of play that I had to adapt to. It is probably my favorite free game of all time, but I lost interest.

Super Smash Bros Melee... I cannot describe my love for that game. I compete at tournaments all along East Coast USA and I will soon be attending the Super Bowl of all smash tournaments :p Even after 10 years I have yet to loose interest in that game... and it only has two play modes xD It is just a perfect video game. I have thousands of hours put into it, and it's awesome being able to go to these tournaments to meet hundreds of people from all over the world who share the same interest as I do =p (I know it sounds really dorky... which it is... but you gotta be there to understand, don't judge.).

Call of Duty (specifically United Offensive, 2, and Modern Warfare), first FPS that I got hooked onto, and it got me into online gaming, mods, and clans.

Minecraft, just, Minecraft.

Garry's Mod, awesomesauce. Thank you Garry, and thanks to the people who continue to add to the game with their awesome mods and gamemodes (directed to Soulripper and the rest of FL).

Yup... that's pretty much it... oh yea and Oblivion... good stuff... kbye.
(10-04-2011, 03:58 AM)elder189 Wrote: GunZ: The Duel, a free online matrix styled action game that kept me addicted to the technical styles of play that I had to adapt to. It is probably my favorite free game of all time, but I lost interest.

Super Smash Bros Melee... I cannot describe my love for that game. I compete at tournaments all along East Coast USA and I will soon be attending the Super Bowl of all smash tournaments :p Even after 10 years I have yet to loose interest in that game... and it only has two play modes xD It is just a perfect video game. I have thousands of hours put into it, and it's awesome being able to go to these tournaments to meet hundreds of people from all over the world who share the same interest as I do =p (I know it sounds really dorky... which it is... but you gotta be there to understand, don't judge.).

Call of Duty (specifically United Offensive, 2, and Modern Warfare), first FPS that I got hooked onto, and it got me into online gaming, mods, and clans.

Minecraft, just, Minecraft.

Garry's Mod, awesomesauce. Thank you Garry, and thanks to the people who continue to add to the game with their awesome mods and gamemodes (directed to Soulripper and the rest of FL).

Yup... that's pretty much it... oh yea and Oblivion... good stuff... kbye.

Hah I remember all super smash bros on N64 and super smash bros melee on gamecube god damn i love those games ^^

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