Report: JustinDSD
Name of player: JustinDSD

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:40380229

Time in GMT: Around 5-10 minutes prior to time of report

Server: v2d

Summary: I was a socialist president. I tried making strict laws, but balancing them out.
Principles I used in my laws:
  • Officers & Gov. Officials had power over citizens
  • Any sign of corruption or failure is harshly punished
  • High crimes (treason, death treats, etc) are punishable by capital punishment
  • Only I can authorize capital punishment. Thus I never executed anyone. This was more of a way of deterring raids and what not.
  • Laws concerning weapons, drugs and driving extremely strict to make crime more difficult. And driving is just the most lethal type of crime.
Laws in evidence a).
As you can see, all the laws more or less balance themselves out. There's strictness but both ways. And just to repeat once more - I never once executed anyone.

So then a hitman comes up to me and kills me before I ask him for the hit reason. Later by PM I found out I was killed by my VP, who immediately went president. Evidence b), c), d)

In addition, my VP was named 'Jesus Christ' before I forced him to change his name or resign. After my death he went president, renamed himself to Jesus Christ again and his job title was 'The Almighty God'. FailRP much? Evidence c), e)

All in all, the rules treat ordering a hitman to kill someone and doing it personally as one and the same. The VP essentially teamkilled me for entirely invalid reasons - even if he wasn't the VP, it'd still be RDM from my perspective.

Additional Note: The Hitman in question (C7) seemed to have made an honest mistake and knowing that he isn't the type to minge around I don't think he is deserving of any punishment. He already apologized for it, so it's fine.

And I have a conversation with Brynn about it, but that's irrelevant. If the pictures of conversations feel like they've been taken out of context, I'd be happy to publish the entire console log - but since you have those logs yourselves I doubt there is any need (unless it might be easier to browse through my log instead of a general one)


a) Laws (low res screenshot taken out of video):

Spoiler :

b) My death (video)

c) My faithful Vice President (screenshot)

Spoiler :
[Image: justin.jpg]

Additional Note: this was where I was telling him a socialist government doesn't need a president named Jesus Christ. He had to either legally change his name or resign.

d) Some gyazo pics from conversations (screenshots)

Spoiler :
There's a lot so no img tags.
D.1 (images 1-2): Initial response for reason for raid

D.2 (images 3-4): Additional reasons

Observation: All reasons are generalized. No specific reason was given. Even if there was, he was still my VP. And imo either way he had no good reason for it.

e) The Messiah Himself (screenshot of scoreboard) - The President, previously my VP

I can confirm I was the hitman at the time. I assumed wanting to take the president spot for himself was a good reason.The reason for the hit was that the president "oppressed the city, I need him removed" i assumed that would be valid in politics etc.
Erm mate. My Roleplay Reason was that as Vice President, I felt, in character, that you were oppressing the people of the city. This was evident to me when you were trying to force me out of a job because of a simple name change. As a result, for RP reasons, I felt that it was beyond my power to do anything legally, so I went and found somebody to help me out, in this case, a hit-man, to free a city of, what I felt was, its tyrant. Seriously, though, even though I do enjoy being President, as does anybody who has played on the server, I am not really to bothered about being president. I have been Vice President to several people, and have not had a hit-man sent to them. Later on that day, I was a cop, but again, as many other people, such as rebels, I felt that the President was being oppressive and wouldn't listen, so I allowed people, to try and stage. In this incident, I had no intention of taking the presidents place. If this is failRP, I apologise for it, I genuinely thought it was a vaild RP reason.
However, this is similar to the president case, as I have hired someone to, for what I would have considered a genuine RP reason, to free a city of its tyrant, even though this time, I did take the presidents place. I apologize, I will not make this mistake again.

Note: Would also like to point that before yesterday, I had not been on these servers for about 6 months, so I was still getting my bearings with the rule. For example, I did not understand that the Hitman Rule had been changed. This does not take away from my actions, but helps to give a better understanding.
You need a very specific reason to kill the president. You doing it personally and hiring a hitman is one and the same. I talked to the Brynn about it, presented my laws, and fact was I wasn't oppressing shit - no one was banned, I executed no one, and my laws were balanced out - strict for both cops and non-cops alike.

There are two problems with what you did:
1. It was team-killing.
2. You need a specific reason. I must've in a way wronged you personally. Not a general one such as not liking my laws or feeling like I'm unfit for the job.
3. Immediately after my death you went President.

Your name 'Jesus Christ' was a really non-serious name that doesn't correspond with socialist ideology - it's a name you shouldn't have had in the first place.
How is this team killing in anyway he was a civilian and had his OOC job as Hitman
The hitman didn't teamkill, the VP did. He might as well have shot me himself. Else hits are a way to avoid the rules.
The user in question was found in breach of the rules with strong evidence to support this claim.

Punishment will be issued accordingly in reference to the rule broken.
Thank you for taking the time to write this report and helping us improve our community.
Kind Regards
Fearless Administrator
~Obay, Rolorox and BlackOut
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