UBL Request
Your name: triceraspunk - scrimple

Your blacklist ID: 57118

Steam ID: 60371714

Reason: "Improper use of PTE"

Staff member who blacklisted you: [FL] Blackdog

Reason why you should be unblacklisted: Firstly, here is a picture of the 'walkway'.

As you can see, it is a ramp. Currently, there are no guidelines on the site/server to what is/isn't a walkway. So, let's use Google Images for a point of reference;

As you can see, the image above and the search results are entirely different. So that's great.

Secondly, let's have a quick read-through of the rules;

Now, the house was owned by the faction leader at the time. After a quick check-up with the recently updated rules, I saw the part "Only exceptions are stairs inside your own properties."
So, I made a ramp onto the roof. Much like stairs, ramps allow access to elevated positions and offer no tactical advantage over stairs.

 I think this blacklist should be reconsidered as the Blacklist description is incorrect, the rules either condone my actions or are very, very unclear on what it actually means and there are barely any guidelines at all for what is an acceptable build or not.
Thanks for your time.
Rule 6.7 - Do not try to get on rooftops; do not build on then either.
(06-27-2015, 07:08 PM)Nevy Wrote: Rule 6.7 - Do not try to get on rooftops; do not build on then either.

Ah, I failed to notice that. Thanks for the response.
As nev cited this action was not allowed, before I could get to you ingame you had already left, but all your props remained, these props we're used by the corlones who you we're with to fire down on police who we're attempting to raid the area, you had also applied ramps to the white house as well so it could be used in an attack.

Ill leave this open for a bit more if you have anything to say, otherwise this thread will be closed and moved to Denied
Saint Dogbert: The patron saint of technology
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Saint Dogbert: The patron saint of technology
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