PythonPlays - Unban Request
Your Name: PythonPlays
Your Ban ID: 62421
Banned By: Rolorox
Reason: RDM as officer, Corrupt Cop without reason
Involved: Gen Peppers
Why we should unban you: The only person I killed as an officer was the president. I was a corrupt cop because the laws he was making were stupid and he kept raising the tax so Me and Gen Peppers came up with a plan to take him out. When Rolorox said to me corrupt cops are not allowed I said I didn't know that and I didn't see it in the rules.[/b]
Search here and fill in the template properly:
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
Corrupt cops are allowed with roleplay reason, but thinking his laws were stupid personally (which his laws were normal and in no way harming) does not give you the reason to kill the president or shoot other people randomly. You and whoever else was being corrupt were just shooting whoever you felt like, as was reported too me by many players.
Rolorox also i was corrupt because I was a supported of the former president, Gen Peppers and wanted him to be president and also I don't believe what I was doing was worthy of a ban but just a Warn/Slay/Kick
So you wanted to kill the new president... because you liked the old one? or you wanted to take his place? Either way this was not roleplayed and really is not a good reason. Either way it doesn't give you the right to go around shooting citizens and just randomly trying to kill the president. As I have already stated you did not get banned for being a corrupt cop, you got banned for doing so with an insufficient reason and little to no roleplay.
7 days without a response or any sufficient evidence to show no rules were broken.


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