Unban request
Your name: Dex

Your ban ID: 60978

Banned by: [FL] General Rickets

Reason: RDM Was on last chance.

Involved: LivXK, Falcao, Jericho, Rickets.

Why we should unban you: Hello staff. So I was issued a permanent suspension around about 2 months ago and since then reflected on it quite a bit. I wasn't initially going to post an unban request as I did feel as though I'd broken the rules, however I didn't feel as though what I did warranted a permanent suspension. So let me give you some background, we were a terrorist faction, not an extremist faction, a terrorist faction and we had permission from a staff member. Our background was that we were against the government, they'd shipped us out in the 70's and we'd come back with a tasteful vengeance, we were aggressive and we weren't happy. We decided to start a protest in the Nexus, this involved chanting against the government with picket signs and wanting to voice our frustration. The president came down and we escalated our efforts to intimidate the government. One of the SRU's at the time was repeatedly tazing us, at one point he came around and tazed all of us at once, now bare in mind General Rickets was there at this time cloaked. He decided not to take action against this, even though it was a clear abuse of the tazer, we were in the middle of the Nexus at this point and he was doing it to try stop our protest, which we were more than allowed to do, even the president at the time told the SRU to stop. This occurred a further 3 or 4 times and as a terrorist faction who was clearly angered by this, we began to throw out threats, things such as "You don't want to do that again otherwise you'll find yourself in a lot of trouble". These were open threats, they could mean anything, we did this to avoid arrest. What I find funny is why General Rickets didn't take this SRU and speak to him about breaking Fear RP? Because there was an evident RP situation occurring. Now, the SRU decided to taze me one last time at which point I left the Nexus, I equipped my AWP sniper rifle, got one of my men to hold open the door and I completed an assassination on said SRU for constantly tazing us, we felt as though we were being oppressed. Now, we move on from that and get to the main part of my message. This SRU should have been flagged up on this for Fail RP and potentially Fear RP, had this been done things wouldn't have escalated to the point that they did. I'm not saying that I'm a blameless party, sure I probably pulled the trigger a little quickly, in the heat of the moment frustration got the better of me and I got carried away, I was very very quick to the trigger. However I don't think that this warranted a permanent ban, I'm not going to specifically compare to other cases however people RDM most days on Fearless, and 70% of the time that results in a blacklist from weapons. However in my case it's a permanent ban because I'm on my last chance? That wasn't the terms of my last chance, Diggy was the one who issued my last chance and I asked him about it, I'll attach what he said to a picture at the end along with another picture, this other picture is of my ban history. Now, sure it's not pretty and I'm not proud of it at all, it's a lengthy mingey history and I haven't been the best of players in my time but do you see RDM anywhere? I don't have 1 blacklist or ban for RDM and you can check that yourself. I'd understand the permanent suspension if I'd had a big history of RDM but in this one case I just pulled the trigger a little too quick without thinking about my actions.

At first I wasn't going to protest this ban and I became very anti FL, I did a few things which I regret and made snide remarks and did something very immature to target one of the staff members of FL, I sent an apology to all staff members to end on good terms and I'm hoping that's water under the bridge now. But in my time of leaving I've still come into the TS because I mainly miss the community, you can't replicate this community anywhere else, and I want to be part of it again. Thanks a lot for reading this, I know it's been a wall of text but I hope I put my point across and you take this seriously, thanks guys.

Edit : After looking at what Dig has said as well no leniency was shown towards me. I hadn't been involved in a situation with admins since my last chance, this was the first incident too.

Here is the picture of the conversation between me and Dig, making clear the terms of my last chance:
[Image: 9zh18Lo.png]
What can I say, apart from all of this information being valid.
We protested the nexus and we clearly warned the SRU that kept tazing us, even though the president said not to, that his actions would have consequences. He chose to ignore the president's commands and our warning, resulting in Dex taking action, and killing him. It doesn't even seem RDM to me and the fact that he was given a permanent ban for said action still baffles me.
As for the terrorismRP, I haven't done it since. I was advised to make it more realistic with a front as a shop and stuff, but it didn't fit with our backstory, we were there to invoke terror openly, I guess you could compare it to ISIS in terms with how open with terror we were (That ONLY goes for the amount of open-ness we had)

I whole-heartedly support this appeal.

I don't see how FearRP would be involved on the SRU/SWAT's part, he obviously had a tazer to you. Why would he be worried about you doing something?

You have just over 500 hours with 12 bans and 11 blacklists. Now you realized after you've become anti-FL, and targeted a staff member, that FL is one of a kind.

It's not a huge offence, however, your ban record shows you being banned about one every two months lately. This is unacceptable. It's clear that you care very little for the ruleset of the server and see no reason why you should be given any more chances, especially because of your actions after you had been banned.
My actions directly after the incident were because I saw red, what I did was very immature at that point. I didn't become anti FL as such however I targeted this one staff member, and at the time it showed low levels of maturity. I've since apologized to the staff member in question and all the other staff members at that point to thank them for my time at FL and apologise for my actions over my time at FL. If you weren't aware though Crow, I'm not trying to ask for another last chance on this UBR, I'm questioning the validity of the permanent suspension that was issued. So straight off the bat let's look at the first 8 blacklists shall we? They're all old administrators, I was probably in my first 100 hours of the game and at that point I had NO intention to role-play here at Fearless. As a result I picked up quite a few bans too, these bans are from the Infernaw ban downwards. I've grown up a lot from then until now, I just saw this as another Garry's mod server, I came on here after a friend told me to come on, I didn't read the rules and as a result I had to learn the rules by breaking them a few times. You'd honestly be surprised at my knowledge of the rules Crow. I also think that with the implementation of the new rules which I did in fact read on the day of release they're much more specific and will ensure that I won't break the rules again. So, you don't see how the SRU broke Fear RP? Let's sway from that because that's completely irrelevant, I waffled and diluted my point a little. I've gone over the 500 hours with my ban record, sure it isn't pretty but I've sure as hell learnt from it but even then, my record doesn't have anything to do with the ban in question, all that matters is this one ban. And if you wanna bring up my history you care to see how there's no bans or blacklists involving RDM? I'm not an RDMer, and I don't have a history of it as a result. I pulled the trigger a little too quick and in the heat of the moment made an awful decision, but this is one awful decision, I can almost guarantee that if I come back to Fearless, I will not accumulate ANY more bans.
And Crow, you're saying I care very little for the ruleset? Not at all, I simply just found myself doing things wrong, I would do role-plays wrong and I would stretch the rules and bend them and it resulted in me getting punished.
Finally, I agree with you about the actions after I was permanently banned. I don't know if you know the full extent of it but it was immature and it was pretty shitty behavior towards the staff member in question. But dude, I didn't even have an intention of coming back to Fearless but I still apologised to all staff members including the staff member in question because even though I knew I wouldn't speak to them again, I felt bad and I knew what I did was wrong, so I wanted to make that right. But even so what I did actually had nothing to do with Fearless role-play, it was between me and the staff member in question via steam, so it shouldn't  affect my case in the slightest.
I was recording at the time coming to think of it, but I can't find the recording. I cleared out all of my fraps shit a while back.
Let me clarify your point about having permissions from staff for your RP
You did not, I gave liv perms for a RP that involved admittedly a form of mild terrorism, but that was still allowed in the rules and to be quite honest if you'd have followed that we would have no issues ( I believe it involved a car dealership as a front then using sabotage Etc but this was a while back so... )
Anyway what apparently you actually did was make signs Etc and protest then from what I remember then jump the nexus desk and Rdm a SRU with an AWP resulting in a ban
I personally dont support an unban, you've had enough chances and frankly if it is approved I'd say a weapons blacklist of at least 25 hours would be required
[Image: JrWpsNC.png]
No. You gave Liv permission to create a faction which involved a form of mild terrorism, not Liv specifically it was a faction, not a single person? What you're missing here Barkles is that I'm not saying it wasn't RDM however what I'm saying is a permanent suspension for doing this seems a little bit rash in my opinion. I've no history of RDM and all I did was take to the trigger a little bit fast, you say I've had enough chances Barkles but I had 1 last chance and didn't even have to speak to an admin between my last chance and this ban so I have literally no clue where you got the whole "enough chances" thing from. I'd agree that a weapons blacklist would be appropriate I 100% support this. I'm not trying to make this unban request saying that I'm a completely blameless party and that I didn't break the rules, all I'm protesting is that I feel the permanent suspension is quite extreme considering the circumstances, like I've said before I was quick to the trigger and it was an error but I've no history of RDM in my blacklists or my bans and it was a single mistake which I can ensure will never happen again. I wouldn't go through all this effort if I was just going to come back and break the rules again because I know that if this does get accepted and I fuck up again, I will not be allowed back into the community. I will not break the rules again, I care too much.
EDIT after re reading : Also jumping on the desk then rdming the SRU? This shows that you evidently have no idea about what went on. We were tazed several times for protesting, we were stood in the middle of the Nexus at this point. I believe we got tazed 3 times before I admittedly jumped on the desk and got tazed again at which point I got myself in a position far enough away so that we could won and it'd induce terror upon the president who had kicked us out of Evocity which was part of our back-story, the reason for killing was extremely controversial and in the end was deemed RDM. 
I support this ban 100%.

We was a anti-government group. They was disrespectful to us, insulting us and our culture, they physically assaulted us, by tazing us to the ground when we done a peaceful protest. So Dex acted as though he was leaving the protest and went and dealt with the situation and sent a message out to the government that they can't treat us like dirt like they had been and get away with it.

So now here comes my point. I was walking along before and a police officer punched me, around the bar area. I walked into trees took out my Galil and killed him. Obviously he called RDM etc and (I can't remember any clear names here) I spoke to the admin about it and my reason to kill him was valid?

So you tell me why I did not get banned for that when I was RP'ing a normal criminal but as part of an anti-government mild terrorist faction Dex gets banned for it?

You claim to know the rules, however, if this is the case, then you are intentionally breaking them.

I cannot say if the kill was infact RDM or not, as I was not present. If it was RDM, you had been on your last chance. A last chance is a last chance, break another rule (Throw away another chance) results in a permanent ban. I feel you're more leaning towards this, am I right? If the offence was ground enough for your ban? I feel it is, yes. You've had more than enough chances.
You keep saying that I've had all these chances, but I had 1 last chance Crow. I got my last chance on 11th ban as the system states and yeah I threw away a lot of chances by being an idiot in my early days of Fearless. I wasn't intentionally breaking the rules Crow, I know I broke them, in the heat of the moment I got caught up in the RP and I just shot him, I didn't think about my actions and only once I'd fired that bullet I thought what have I just done. Going to the RDM claim I personally think it was RDM, there was about 3 admins and a super admin to confirm it and I agree it was RDM, but this was one slip up crow, I was on my last chance but like Diggy said, it was more of a leniant last chance and I think that what I did could surely only warrant a blacklist and yes, it would be a hefty blacklist. All I'm asking for is that you put your trust into me. I've matured a lot over the past few months and reflected upon my actions, do whatever you want, put a massive weapon blacklist in place if you like because sure, I was an idiot and I broke a rule but I honestly don't think it warrants a permanent suspension.

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