Ban Request - Mutilple
Lonstetti Gorhime (STEAM_0:0:4763584) - hes the gun dealer who was duilding that thing, some 1 said something about it being racist
Nazonfire (STEAM_0:0:39952211) - was the 1 on top of the prop in middle of road (8:20)
Notes: when gun dealer cages self i pointed at wrong 1 on the list

there maybe other stuff in the video that might need attention
and yes i know i didnt wait 5 mins some times, but it was hardly RP as it was just caos and i was getting eveidence

Video it uploading at time of post and was going to take 3 hours :/ maybe i should have FPS set to lower than 10 on fraps :p (yes im experiance with using fraps is low)
Still no video?
i went bed :p

here it is, sorry about it being long ill give editing ago next time
I could barely understand what's going on there, could anybody else from Staff take this?
I have a screenie backing up Lonstetti Gorhime Ban.
He was using the advert system to promote racism, as well as in the video you can see the Lynching station he made at the BP/
First off I'm black, second off everyone was going nuts that night. I will post all ban requests following this post, I have a 45 minute long video of people doing the stupidest shit I have ever seen, second off how do you purpose a ban request when your the one who had random death matches every 30 seconds. Third off I apologized to everyone multiple times the following day because I was not sober. I realize my actions were a little crazy but it still docent elicit the fact that everyone was being rediculous that night. Another question? Why do you have such a personal vendetta against me? And another fact, I wasn't the only one involved with that joke. So get your shit straight!
(09-25-2011, 05:57 PM)Lonstetti-Gorhime Wrote: First off I'm black
The color of your skin is not an excuse, nor does it give you any privileges over others.

Racism. Bye.

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