Unban request: JazzlesMan
Your name: [FL:RP] JazzlesMan

Your ban ID: 61922

Banned by: [FL] Enzyme

Reason: Insulting threw OOC

Involved: Me and Jinkeees!

Why we should unban you: Look, everyday admins are online, doing their thing with teachers and playing along the community as I was doing earlier. I had called him an idiot because he killed me under Fear RP and I was angry. I just think I only deserve like a Blacklist or something, people are always running around screaming ''your a vagina Jazzles'' or ''Jazzles is a minge''. Everyone gets angry, and when admins are on all I ever see them do is say no insulting in OOC or maybe a little admin sit. I just think a ban is way too OTT for me calling him an idiot. People do it all the time to everyone and people just soak it up and carry on. This ban was not because he felt insulted or was annoyed at what I called him, he is annoyed at the fact he knows he broke a rule and RDMed me, and therefore needed a reason to get rid of me and make him feel good about himself. And before you go on to reply why didn't you post a BR, because I think about what I do, and I give people second chances. I look at the other persons point of view and go, oh hey, he's another player like me that just wants to play and enjoy the community. I think maybe a blacklist is in place. He has 700 hours and knows not to break the rules, as I have 200 and know that was out of hand. I send out an apology, but I don't see other rule breakers get banned, just blacklists. I know that you guys are just doing your job and say how you know that you have broken rules and must be punished. No. Not a fair ban considering how may others get away with this sort of stuff, and how I'm always picked out to be punished, whilst others continue to ruin RP. You think I really meant what I said to him. It's mid moment rage. I know when people insult me they don't mean it, and I come to realise how they are just annoyed, and say hey, look buddy, I realise what is going on, and know you don't mean it. If this was reduced to a blacklist I could swear with all my heart It would never happen again. Legit. Please try and understand.

Not that I want this to be a deterrent or anything, and don't look at this as such. Should this unban request be denied, I am going to have to stop playing Fearless. The minges on the server are too much for me and I cannot put up with my RP experience being ruined by them, and I know you try your best, but v2d is filled with them. It is not administrated enough. If accepted = Ill promise never to get a Blacklist or Ban in my entire Fearless play-through ever. Denied = Thanks for having me at Fearless.

It was you who decided to break a very simple rule written rule.

FearlessRP is a friendly community, and I will not tolerate players insulting each-other. If you don't want to be banned then all you have to do is to follow the rules. You decided to break one of our most basic rules, and there are no-one else to blame but you.

Making threats to leave does not make any difference in this case and I wish you goodbye and good luck if you stand by your word.

You broke a written rule. Player insulting is not tolerated here.
Ban is valid.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator

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