Esoteric PMC
Sounds good, we do training on the weekends and also hold meetings weekly too, I send out a newsletter every fortnight to keep everything up to scratch.

Welcome to EPMC Sith, just put your clan as "Esoteric - Initiate" if your still willing to join and if you like you can add me - Varden696 on steam if you need any more details.

Thanks for taking your time writing out the application and I hope to RP with you soon ^^
[Image: source.gif]
Welcome Visual Cheese ( Sorry little late >.>)

Also I believe everything has been updated, Hours, etc, I suggest you guys recheck it over =P

Well Thanks Everyone,

[Image: grubsiggy.gif]
"A man must stand in the eyes of fear and march on to lead those who follow him to victory. Through these battles, a man will build himself a home, a place of refuge and happiness for those he cares about." - Grub
(09-06-2011, 10:15 PM)Legendary Fox Wrote: Sounds good, we do training on the weekends and also hold meetings weekly too, I send out a newsletter every fortnight to keep everything up to scratch.

Welcome to EPMC Sith, just put your clan as "Esoteric - Initiate" if your still willing to join and if you like you can add me - Varden696 on steam if you need any more details.

Thanks for taking your time writing out the application and I hope to RP with you soon ^^

Thanks. Will do. Cheese
Steam Name: Innocent Criminal (Used to be [FL:RP] Sith Happens)
Esoteric PMC gains over 30 active members.

We welcome JAN, Amatt, Rayts, Hostage, Nit Grit, Sefty and Comrade Zeldar to our clan!

Various Initiates and Mercenarys taught how to Proffesionally build a secure base

Clan page fully updated and new details added

More realistic and regular Clan RP has been on the go for the last week and has been going on very well!

Clan Bootcamp in MTL Industrial Compound Times:
Morning Session: 11am-12:am
Afternoon Session: 2pm-3pm
Night Session: 7pm-8pm

If you wish to complete bootcamp please jump onto the server at the times displayed above this message.

That is it for now, more Briefing will be displayed over the weekend.

[Image: source.gif]
In-game Name: GunFISHHHYy
In-game Hours: Approximately 150 hours
Previous Clans: N/A
Specialized Weapon's(List only two):AK/M4 and Awps
Number of bans:1
Why you want to join: Been looking for one and my buddy Shadow is in this
How did you find out about Esoteric PMC?: My main man Shadow is in this.

In-game Name: Carlos 'Boolean' Camorra

In-game Hours: 163 (at the time of writing)

Previous Clans: La Camorra, basically just a tag me and some friends used to show that we were a group.

Specialized Weapon's(List only two): Crowbar (I'm pretty sure i was the closest to beating the Legendary Fox in the crowbar Arena, and i held his corner while he was AFK). M4, this, at the moment is my favourite firearm because it is cheap, effective, silenceable and for the most part accurate.

Number of bans: 3. One was for not knowing the rules (15 minutes, i was new), the second was for CDM, 200 minutes, (IMO a misunderstanding, but thats another story) and the third was a 500 minute ban for being a 'door failer' (Same explanation with the CDM ban).

Why you want to join: I'd like the oppurtunity to do some more RP, and without friends who really RP it's quite hard to do on this server. I also see the members of Esoteric as respectable individuals who tend to steer clear of conflicts on the server (i'm talking ooc here).

How did you find out about Esoteric PMC?: I saw them around, spent an evening cruising with Legendary and decided he's a great guy.
Weekly Briefing

Esoteric PMC makes a amazing member count of 36.

Shadow was promoted for amazing roleplay and clan activity.

We give a big welcome to our two newest members Boolean, Gunfish.

The clan launches their new Radio frequency.

Training for Initiates/Mercenarys is now being instructed throughout every weekend and occasional week-days.

Legendary Fox is now selling Premium clan packages for a limited time (Fri-Sun).

The following packages are on offer:

Silenced Package
Silenced TMP, a box of rifle ammo and a healthkit for 2.4k.

Black ops Package
Silenced M4A1, two boxes of rifle ammo and a healthkit for 5.2k

Militia Package
Desert Eagle, box of pistol ammo and a health vial - 1.1k

Ghillie Package
AWP, box of sniper ammo and two health kits - 15.7k

[Image: source.gif]
It's with great sadness I must announce that i'm leaving Esoteric PMC.

I've had a great time, but i've been offered the opportunity to join a new prestigious clan with alot of 'high-profile' members.
I look forward to the new challenges ahead of me and will allways remember Esoteric fondly.

- Craigy D out.
What the fuck NO
This valorous visitation of vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin vanguarding vicand vouchsafing the violently vicious & voracious violation of volition.
I am very sorry to say, but I want to leave!

All the best for this clan in the future!

Over and out


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