[Unofficial] Weyland-Yutani Corporation [Recruiting]
// I would join our Altis division, but I don't have Arma 3, so.

Dear Employees,

I have been on the Island of Altis for the past few days, establishing our mining operations there and recruiting fresh employees who will manage workload over there. I apologise for my absence, I'm back in Evocity and we have a mission straight from the top.

Tonight we will be hunting down and re-capturing two People of Interest. 

One Matthew James Russels
One Evelyn Thompson

Matthew failed to deliver an important package that was going to mean peace between our corporation and them personally, Matthew is a very high value target and has high tier military training that he received during his time at Blackwatch, do not attempt to apprehend him alone. I'll brief Commander Robsin, so he can brief you all when we rally our numbers.

Have a safe and productive day.

Kind Regards,
Alexander Heafy,
Weyland-Yutani Executive

OOC: We will be going on another fun witch hunt, we will be torturing Matt and instilling as much fear as we possibly can in Evocity and Evelyn. Let's show them we mean business boys.

Note for the Admins: This was all pre-established and agreed to by myself, Megascotty & Hillerbear. Shots will not be fired and nobody will actually die, this is part of a long standing roleplay group we've had since Blackwatch.
OOC Information

Steam Name: [FL:RP]Mike4992
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:73439558
Age (Your actual age): 18
Hours on server: 518+
Donator: (Y/N) YES
If you aren't a donator, do you plan to donate in the futureSadY/N)
If it expires, yes, I will donate ASAP.
Total Bans: 1
Total Blacklists: 4
Out of 10, how would you rate server activity: 9
Out of 10, how would you rate forum activity: 10

IC Information

First name: Michael
Middle name(s): M
Last Name: Burlington
Age: 32
Address: 31 Oxford St.
Current Occupation: Security Guard [Solo]
Ex-Employers: ?
Weight: 75 kg
Height: 6 ft 1.1 in
Criminal Record: N/A
How could you benefit our corporation: I have a lot of contacts (Gun Dealers, Car Dealers and more.) so yeah, a lot of stuff.
Preferred Department: Military
Are you an innovative thinker: Yes

Disclaimer: During your employment here at Weyland-Yutani, you may be injured whilst working. Weyland-Yutani takes no responsibility for the injury/death of an employee and your safety is completely in your hands. Failure to wear correct safety equipment whilst in testing facilities would bean aggravating factor and makes you liable for your actions. By signing the application below, you hereby agree to our disclaimer.

Signed: Michael M. Burlington 
(04-19-2015, 02:04 PM)Mike2004 Wrote: -SNIP-

Dear Mr.Burlington,

Weyland-Yutani Corporation are now in the process of reviewing your application. Please leave up to 7 working days for your application to be processed.

Please note that if you apply to other companies, your application will be terminated immediatley.

Thanks for applying,
Alex Robsin,
Acting Company Executive
Weyland-Yutani Corporation
*A helicopter lands on top of the Evocity Offices helipad, Alexander Heafy brandishing a Weyland-Yutani Badge on his lapel steps off with two armed guards, who appear to be asian. They open the doors  for him, and salute as he walks through. He steps onto a stage, with the company logo projected on the backdrop.*

Dear Employees,

I apologise for my absence over the past few weeks, I've been assisting Mr. Weyland in our Tokyo offices by overseeing our new DX-110 Space Vessel's development. A lot of things have changed since my absence, our Space Programme has been delayed for a while since our project manager resigned. However, I plan to accelerate development here in Evocity over the coming months.

I've learned a lot in Tokyo, they have definitely raised the bar and I will be setting a higher standard for all employees. Mr. Weyland is impressed with the way things are run here, and he gives all of you his warmest regards.
In order to progress, Mr. Weyland has upped our budget for our biological weapons research. So this will be our primary focus.

I look forward to working with you all again, old and new. Let us together, build better worlds. And thank you, for remaining loyal to Weyland-Yutani.

*The audience clap, and Alexander Heafy begins to shake the hands of his employees and closest friends within the corporation with a big smile on his face.*

Dear Employees,

It is to my understanding Mr. Russels has newly found allies, he also has stolen equipment along with other useful resources from our corporate asset the Blackwatch Corporation. If you see Mr. Russels, do not attempt to apprehend him alone. I'll be having a word with Commander Robsin about our plan of action. Until then, stay vigilant. 

On a more positive note, our Tokyo office is sending us some equipment to kick-start our biological weapons program. Watch this space for more information on that, I'll be assigning roles and arranging the pickup.

Thank you, have a safe and productive day.

Kind Regards,
Alexander Heafy,
Weyland-Yutani Executive

Dear Employees,

Thomas Hughens has been promoted to our primary Internal Affairs officer, he will be working alongside me to make decisions that will one day benefit the corporation. Congratulations Thomas! I look forward to working with you in the foreseeable future.

We also are disappointed to hear that one of our employees, Marco Doverio (Oneshott-) has handed in his resignation. We wish him the best of luck with his future endeavors. 

Kind Regards,
Alexander Heafy,
Company Executive
(04-30-2015, 02:07 PM)Roachy Wrote:
Dear Employees,

Thomas Hughens has been promoted to our primary Internal Affairs officer, he will be working alongside me to make decisions that will one day benefit the corporation. Congratulations Thomas! I look forward to working with you in the foreseeable future.

Kind Regards,
Alexander Heafy,
Company Executive

What about my application I've sumbitted 10 days ago? Scroll up and you'll find it.
(04-30-2015, 02:40 PM)Mike2004 Wrote:
(04-30-2015, 02:07 PM)Roachy Wrote:
Dear Employees,

Thomas Hughens has been promoted to our primary Internal Affairs officer, he will be working alongside me to make decisions that will one day benefit the corporation. Congratulations Thomas! I look forward to working with you in the foreseeable future.

Kind Regards,
Alexander Heafy,
Company Executive

What about my application I've sumbitted 10 days ago? Scroll up and you'll find it.

Sorry mate, thought Judge accepted you. If you're on tonight, I'll invite you into the clan after an interview.
Dear Employees,

I have purchased some new hardware for our Private Military since the budget increase for our Evocity operation, if you are a member of our Private Military. Come to my home tonight for the viewing.

Mak already has some of this new hardware, and I feel the rest of you should have one too. Also, paychecks will be given to all in the city tonight.

Kind Regards,
Alexander Heafy,
Company Executive

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