Ban for arrest
Name: [FL:RP]BasicallyMental
Ban ID: 60878
Banned By: [FL] General Rickets
Reason: FearRP
Involved: A police officer, DollarCobra, General Rickets (For some reason), Jazzlesman.
Why should I be unbanned:

So I was playing today as a rebel and was being raided. So I was trying to defend. I died and waited 5 minutes so that I would not break the NLR. After going back (5 minutes later) I was arrested, there was no reason for arresting me so I tried to run and the officer pulled out a gun and started to shoot me. I stopped, he put the gun away and then I started to run again. After me running (After him putting away his gun) I was banned for 1 day. 1 whole day for being arrested for no reason, then running. Following FearRP. But still get banned. The officer had no reason for arresting me in the first place! So I still followed FearRP and get banned as the Admin caught the wrong end of the stick in the arrest.

Please unban me as there is no real reason for me even being banned. I have shared my part of the REAL story. If you would like to I will give you my Skype or I will go on TeamSpeak to talk about it.

Thanks for reading;

Community Retard
Was I annoying? REP me
[Image: tnatDq3.jpg]
You were told to stop under gunpoint and you continued to run around him. Regardless of what is happening you abide by fearrp.

Sorry, I was not told anything by this kid when he had me at gun point. I stopped when he had me at gun point. I did not abide FearRP and there is no video to prove me wrong.

Plus, I was also told that as soon as I was banned, you became a rebel. I am starting to get the point you just wanted to be a rebel but because there was no space and the admins were bored, you banned me. (Just a theory)
Community Retard
Was I annoying? REP me
[Image: tnatDq3.jpg]
Your theory is extremely naive.

Also that "kid" reported you breaking fearrp. I TP there and I see you running rings around him....


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