If we've caught you before, you'll know by now that we're bigger than you, bolder than you and quite frankly better than you.
We're handing out more ASBO's by the day and you need to watch out.
*Footage to follow tomorrow when I feel less dead xoxo*
however you can't actually lay a finger on me so
I might join you tomorrow if your free bby xo
I'll be free bby. And Zanka, anymore of that and I'll have you incarcerated within the walls of my office okay? I am a PCSO, treat me with respect because quite frankly I'm bigger than you, bolder than you, and just better than you.
and more cocky? jk lol
You evidently don't understand the following :
Leave my thread please, ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty
You evidently don't understand the following :
Being a dickhead
Being an annoyance
How to properly roleplay.
I won't leave your thread, ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty ty
Y'know now that you just insulted me I can get someone to remove your posts...
If you think I'm a dickhead then do one because quite frankly I'll never care what you think about me.
Likewise for being an annoyance, which is quite contradictory actually seen as you decided to call me out on my own thread but w/e.
And how to properly role-play? Well actually, if you're going to taint me as a role-player I suggest you think about doing otherwise, I've got more RPP than you in less hours, so statistics kind of suggest otherwise.
I'm just going to close this thread before it spirals out of control.


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