ᵁᴮᴿ Kurdish Falcon
Your name: [FL:RP] Kurdish Falcon (STEAM_0:1:42090950)

Your ban ID: 53571

Banned by: [FL] Venom

Reason: Double accounting

Involved: Myself and Venom.

Why we should unban you: I'd like to apologize in advance for the essay I'm about to type regarding this ban. I'd like to start off by saying that I am 100% remorseful of this idiocy, and I won't deny that I double accounted; not now, not ever.

So I double accounted for a short period of time on the stupid impulsive decision to start a new alias on FearlessRP and to essentially, change who I was. I know, what I did was completely stupid and unnecessary. I had the mentality that nobody on FearlessRP liked me being there, and I wanted to amend that by changing account completely, abandoning my old account, and trying to be as nice to people as possible and be a part of the community that way. Looking back on that now, I feel like an utter idiot and feel that I made the biggest mistake I could have ever made on the Internet. I was rightly evicted from the community which I loved and cherished, all because one day, in the teenage fashion, decided to do something impulsive and stupid, all for the recognition of a few people...

This phase directly ended up in me being banned, and I regret it ever since, and I cannot say enough to express my remorse. I can promise that all this was temporary, and I know I did a lot of damage to the community and this is extremely difficult to even discuss, let alone put an unban request up for.

However, I miss this community so much, and no matter where I look; be it ArmA III, other Garry's Mod servers, you name it, it's irreplaceable for me and I'm sure it's the same for many others. Looking at all the events that have been going on involving my old FearlessRP friends, I hate myself even more for doing what I did to revoke myself the privilege of being part of such a nice community.

I wouldn't blame the staff team if they decided to look the other way completely, to be honest, because I do deserve it. I know I don't have the cleanest of records, but I am here asking for another chance; and I assure you I'd never be doing this if I still didn't love the community as I did before, if not ten times more, and I can promise a clean record future.

Sorry, not just for this essay, but for the damage I've done.
You know how I stand on this ban as we've discussed over Steam but I'll say the same in public.

What you did was stupid. You're a player with 866 hours on our community and you know what is right, and what is wrong, and what the consequences for doing wrong is.

You've managed to rack up 11 bans (12 counting on the other accounts), and you've been banned for breaking our Terns is twice now.
Someone with your amount of bans and hours know that double-accounting is rarely forgiven, even more so when we're talking about a player with an large ban-history. You didn't only DA once; breaking our TOS but twice

11 bans is one thing, but two TOS bans on top of that is hard to forgive.
When you decided to double-account, you knew that you'd be permed if you were caught doing so. You were ofcourse caught and you decided to break our TOS once again after this. This shows what lack of respect you have for our rules and Terms of Service. I feel you've done enough damage, as you knew it was wrong and that you'd be permed for doing it. A blatant rule-breakage from someone like you is hard to forgive and I'm afraid that I do not support an unban. You're rightfully permed and you shouldn't be unbanned nor have your ban-time reduced.

We have players with a quarter of the bans that you have, and that still remain banned just because they Double-accounted. If they remain banned then so should you.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
And I don't disagree with you, Enzyme. I'm just looking for the slightest mercy; I know what I did was horrendously wrong, and I cannot express just how sorry I am for it.

I don't think I've said what FearlessRP means to me in this thread, and I'd like to expand on this topic and why being allowed back into the community means so much to me. So, here goes;

FearlessRP was not only a large part of my childhood, it became a large part of my life. I was part of what I saw as perhaps the most awesome community I could imagine myself in, and I was a part of this from early 2013 all the way up to early 2015.

Over the span of two years of my life, I was a community member; starting out with spamming the 'become' button on the gun dealer job, thinking about the riches I could make from it. Making $750 profit from a call-out ('Arms Delivery', mind) was an 'Oh my God' moment for me at the age of 15. Heck, I'd even avoid buying food as it cost too much money, and would avoid filling my car with petrol to save money. Slowly and steadily, I accumulated more in-game money and managed to get my hands on a Volvo SC60; true victory.

I saw community members come and go, developments in the server increase, and my friends list inflate; after which I decided to donate to the server because it was a community I adored. The regulars I met daily became family, and I loved every second of it, and love it even more now that I reminisce those times. Weed Marley; smoking pot whilst playing, eventually left the server. Bowie; avoiding every checkpoint I placed down, always ended in chuckles. Iraqi Eagle; constant political debate with this guy, soon became my Middle Eastern brother from another mother before leaving. The list is endless...

Anyhow, once reaching the gold status of Lamborghini owner, I decided it was time to begin partaking in organized roleplay. This took a whole 300 hours to achieve; constant grinds of merchant jobs, selling dupes, reselling cars, becoming President, heck, even pole dancing in a clubbing roleplay. Such was my passive life on FearlessRP.

The roleplays I organized I cherished so much; psychiatrist firm, independent state at the UM, weapons showroom, countless more... Partaking in roleplay events was the ultimate hype for me; I'd go into super try-hard roleplay mode (and still did leading up to my ban) to prove to myself that I was worthy of being in this community, and to prove to myself that I deserved the family I had acquired on here...

And then, I had to be that idiot, for the 11th time. I mean, I hate myself for it, but what more can I say?
Now, even looking at the community - it fills me with sorrow...

Having been on the TeamSpeak for a majority of today, I'd like to multiply everything I said above, from the second and first post, by infinity...
You multi-accounted, been on the servers multiple times when you shouldn't have, and lied to me every time I confronted you when you came on. Why do you think you should be unbanned from that?
You confronted me once, Venom; I mutli-accounted twice, and I know I was in the wrong. Lying to you was a huge fault on my part, but you can understand that I was aware of the rules regarding double-accounting, and wanted to cover it up. I'm not saying I was good in doing that; as I have said before, I hate myself for it.

If you guys would crouch down to my level, you can understand that I have changed a lot as a person and as a community member. I just pray for forgiveness.

NB: For my second double account, I used a VPN. That VPN IP was blacklisted after being banned, and some other guy (informed by Enzyme) called 'Not Tom' was banned afterwards, presumably using the same VPN and the same IP from the already tiny free IP pool. 'Not Tom' is not my account; as I said, I double accounted twice, not thrice.
Quote:I double accounted twice, not thrice.

Falcon you're an experienced player in Fearless and you are well aware of the consequences that follow if you double account. Being sorry won't cut it as you've broken the terms of service.

Quote:1.10. How can I use the Services? You agree that the Services are only for your personal use, and you will not use the Services, any content available on the Services, or your account, for any commercial purpose. You may only access the Services by logging into your account online. Fearless intends for each user to use only one (1) Steam account to access both the Fearless Forums and the CityRP servers. You may not use multiple accounts for any reasons, including masking your identity, gaining an advantage over other users in the Services or circumventing suspensions or other disciplinary measures. You may not sell, assign, or otherwise transfer your account to another person. You must keep your accounts and passwords confidential and not authorize any third party to access. You must contact a staff member immediately if you suspect misuse of your account or any security breach in the Services.
[Image: H9hqjyZ.png]
Well, what can I say? Come here and behead me or something; how can I prove I've changed?
Is FearlessRP's ban system purely punitive or is it restorative?

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