Pathetic ban
Your name: (Steam friends name)

Your ban ID: (Number of the ban, this could be 2779 for example)
Banned by: (Please use the staff member's full name with [FL]/[FL:M] tag)
Minidoor, no idea what admin it was but I guess someone undercover.
Reason: (Why were you banned, what is listed as the reason?)
Failrp, calling cops on himself and tresspassing with a gun as citizen
Involved: (Who was involved? Type a - when there were no other people involved except you and the staff member.)
Me, Nuka and Jag
Why we should unban you: (A motivation why we should unban you, or why your ban should be shortened)

Tbh, let me start by saying how ridiculous this ban is, I mean come on.. So I followed Nuka down to the prison, just strolling around and when I got there I decided, I will call the cops about the tresspassers.. After I did, I thought wait.. I'm down here too tresspassing like an idiot and I thought I can't let them two take the whole blame when I was there also, so I decided to turn myself in and requested that there was now 3 tresspassers. I did not call the cops on myself to troll etc, I done it to hand myself in, I rp'd. the situation and thought it would be better to come clean. As for the M4 as a citizen, I thought I had changed my job name to criminal, which was a mistake on my behalf as clearly I didn't. The M4 was just for safety, I saw Nuka and Jag both had weapons so I thought okay, incase they get annoyed that I called the police then I should be prepared for the worst, so I equipped my M4.
So I thought about me not changing my job, I noticed an admin done this before but they accepted that he made a mistake with not changing his job, so what is the difference with me may I ask? Everyone makes mistakes but if an admin does it they get told they made a mistake and it's forgotten, same goes with players with 1000+ hours or friends with an admin, they get told it's a mistake, so please explain why I am different?
I also want to know how I fail rp'd? I handed myself in as well as the two others with me, if anything that is RPing well.
Also 7 days for this? The ban isn't even completely valid, they admin froze us all and when I tried to explain my story he moved me away and said he didn't want to hear it, which is not doing his job correctly. When he finally moved me back as I was explaining he stopped and said "Actually, it's obvious what you've done" and banned me. So maybe if he done his job correctly then he would have listened to my story and realized that I was infact RP'ing and not messing about.
So you are saying that you (A normal day citizen) would get out an M4 go to the jails and follow two other citizens with weapons as well and call the police on 3 trespassers in jail?

Let me show and explain the logs here real quick
v33x [14:09:56] Samzo (STEAM_0:0:46187149) has used 1 ammo_rifle
v33x [14:09:59] Samzo (STEAM_0:0:46187149) said: /me takes out a M4A1 from their backup.
v33x [14:10:30] Samzo (STEAM_0:0:46187149) said: /request Tresspassers at the jails!!
v33x [14:10:31] Samzo (STEAM_0:0:46187149) said: LOl
v33x [14:10:40] Samzo (STEAM_0:0:46187149) said: /request 3 of them
v33x [14:11:18] Samzo (STEAM_0:0:46187149) said: .// What we done?
v33x [14:11:31] Samzo (STEAM_0:0:46187149) said: .// That was me just messing
v33x [14:11:49] Samzo (STEAM_0:0:46187149) said: .// I only equipped mine for fun

When I questioned you on why a citizen would go to the cells with an M4 you said as you can see "That was just me messing" "I only equipped mine for fun"
As I said, I thought I changed my job to criminal, that eliminates that there. I said Lol because after I sent the request and I was meant to use LOOC to say that to Nuka, as me and him are friends. As I said about the M4 them two had big guns with them, so for my safety when making the call I decided to be safe and protect myself should they turn and get angry that I called the police. Also you took what I said wrong, you asked why I went to the cells, and I said that was me just messing, because for a criminal, or as it stands citizen because my job it would be fun, say I changed my job a criminal would do things like this, tresspass etc so he can then later tell people to make a name for himself.

When I said I equipped my M4 for fun that was because you moved me to one side saying you didn't want to hear what I was saying, so I thought if you can't give me the time of day to explain, why should I explain what my reasons were? It works both ways, I listened to you but you didn't listen to me, so I was quite angry at the time and said that.
So what you are saying is, that you wree going to change your job to criminal and that's suppose to make it ok to go down the cells with guns along side 2 other citizens and the call the police on them?

Calling the police on your own is FailRP, I see no reason at all why you should get unbanned.

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