Unban Request
Your name: Arbi
Your ban ID: 59466
Banned by: [FL] NightFury
Reason: FailRP randomly shooting in the apartment as a citizen, lying about it.
Involved: Nova, Barkley
Why we should unban you: Ladies and Gentlemen, I want you to quit my ban because I think it is just unfair. I told NightFury so many times That i was on Desktop ( I tabbed out of the game) And then my Computer have had a lag. I wasn't lying. And in the situation before, where Barkley trolled and wanted to be a hostage, i wasn't even involved. I wasn't even in my flat and then i told NightFury : "I don't know anything about that hostage." But he always said : "Don't Lie".
It was a little lag and in cause of that lag "my computer" has shooten some shots into the flat ( after the situation with the hostage (5 minutes)). I don't wanted to do that and i never lied in this situation. It would be very nice if you would look after that. It's just a 3 days ban but comeon 3 days for a Lag/Bug ? I think thats unfair.
So you are telling me that first you have hostaged someone 'as a joke' and the when cops came you said that the hostage 'was your friend' and that you were 'only joking with him' and then when the officer left and you out a gailli and walked around your apartment shooting was an accident? it looked like you were trying to bite the police to raid you if anything.
Sorry if it looked like that i was trying to bait someone but Avira throw me to the desktop of my computer and all i did i clicked beside the Avira window to get back into the game. (Because i am running Gmod in a window.)
So you are telling me that you've switched weapons and started firing your weapon while walking and jumping around your apartment becuase you accidentally tabbed out?

I don't belive it.
Man why should i lie ? I'm a trustable person and i'm not gonna lie any admins because it's useless .
I just want to play on that awesome server with my friends
and i dont want to be banned because of a fail. So I beg you if you could do something please. It might be that i loked like i wanted to shoot to get the cops but i would not do that (Because if i wanna have some action i wouldn't do it in this way). I just want to roleplay on the server.
And it might be that you wouldn't believe to me because you don't trust me but pls .... just try to trust me . And one more thing if you wanna believe or not we wanted to do some rp WITHOUT weapons and that shit. But i cant do it now.

I will remind you that as a banned player trying to get unbanned, your credibility is weak.
I suggest that you upload any evidence to prove your innocence if you have any.

We're used to dealing with rule-breakers who are lying to us on a daily basis, and I'm afraid that we do not remove bans from players records just because of a claim from the banned player himself. For us to remove a ban, there needs to be some kind of evidence so support the claim. The evidence can either be server logs or recordings.
Sincerely, Enzyme
Ex-Supervising Administrator
The only first problem is that i dont have any recordings. But i dont know why Nightfury dont wanna trust me. Five minutes earlier (at the thing with the hostage) the thing with the "dont lie" i as realy angry sorry bt this isnt okay. Thas just my opinion a)d i almost dont know why i was banned because i havent lied and why should i try to get back to the server when i'm a "bad boy" u know?
I just dont know the direct reason.
This isn't a matter of trust, this is a matter of facts and the fact is you were walking around in your apartment and shooting your weapon as soon as the police left it. Not to forget that you were a citizen who a few mins before had a hostage but as you said "at was a joke"

Clearly you are lying here, the way I saw what you did not look like it was accidental at all.
As soon as the police left your flat you got your galil and shut the ceiling and then you started walking around and jumping around.

Denied, you will also receive a two month ban from the forums for lying in the courthouse.

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