DooZ's Unban Request
Your name: (Steam friends name): DooZ™

Your ban ID: (Number of the ban, this could be 2779 for example) 59448

Banned by: (Please use the staff member's full name with [FL]/[FL:M] tag) [FL:M] Rolorox

Reason: (Why were you banned, what is listed as the reason?) Attempted RDM on president/officers as gun dealer. Breaking fearrp. 9th ban, priors.

Involved: (Who was involved? Type a - when there were no other people involved except you and the staff member.) One president and a police officer, I'm afraid I have no names, I apologize for that.

Why we should unban you: (A motivation why we should unban you, or why your ban should be shortened) To start this off, I am going to tell exactly what happened with the most details I can possibly remember off.
I had my pistol equipted for self-protection on the job and I accidently pressed my "last used" button while walking on the back of the president, but quickly pressed it again and said "Sorry wrong button" through the microphone and he started screaming "Oh my god that guy as a gun officers go after him", and yes, this guy was kind of a minge, but that is not relevant and if I actually wanted to do anything he would have broken FearRP, but as I said, it is not relevant.
So after that, I see an officer coming towards me running and see he had just drawn his weapon, so I quickly drawn mine and knew it was no way I was getting out of there without a shoot out, so while he threatened to kill me by pointing his weapon at me without identifying himself or anything, I started running away shooting at him, then the police moves in and kills me following bu accusing me of breaking FearRP when I did not.
I would like to be unbanned for the reason that I did not attempt to kill anyone and that I legitely shot on self defense with a RP reason since I was also carrying an illegal weapon and I could be arrested as "attempted murder of the president", so I did not want to take any chances.
It is really frustrating because I had to leave out for school without even getting a warning of some sort, as I stated, I just attempted to join the server only to realize I was banned regrading an issue that wasn't eligible for one, in my oppinion of course, everyone as his way of seeing things and I respect that, but I assume it was through reports that the moderator that did this banned me, he wasn't actually inside or part of the action.
With that said, all I can hope is that you guys do understand my position here and could get me unbanned since I am close to hit the permanent ban number, with some other bans that were not fare and as many people, including some current staff members, agree with me.
Alright have a nice day and thanks for reading in advance.

[Image: fearless_signature2.png]

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You were a gun dealer. Not only should you have not been carrying a firearm (as they are illegal) but you are also a gun dealer with no roleplay reason to have one. Everyone says self defense but the point is, you were walking around the city and took it out next to the president who had officers around him. Then when these officers drew guns on you, instead of obeying fearrp and maybe getting a jail sentence, you decided to take out your gun as if to have a shootout. Which again is not something a gun dealer would do (remember you sell guns, you are not a criminal or a hitman. You are a businessman). So you start to run backwards after pulling a weapon out and shooting at them. This all around was failrp and was attempted RDM. I do not see how it is a fake ban. Also you left right after doing this which seemed pretty obscure at the time, but had no influence on the ban. All it did was make it so that I couldn't talk to you first. But again after doing something like that maybe it wasn't the best idea to instantly DC after you died. 

2 other things. Firstly I did watch the scenario play out. Just because you do not see me, doesn't mean I wasn't there or in your opinion " wasn't involved " also you state that staff agree your bans were not fair? Although I personally doubt this please provide proof or do not post things like this. Speaking on behalf of staff in a lying manor is not a good thing to do.
- "You were a gun dealer. Not only should you have not been carrying a firearm (as they are illegal) but you are also a gun dealer with no roleplay reason to have one." I was carrying a pistol around since I was RP'ing as a mobile gun dealer, which means I basically go everywhere the customer wants me to without knowing what I'm getting myself into, so yes, it is a valid reason to carry a weapon around.
- "Everyone says self defense but the point is, you were walking around the city and took it out next to the president who had officers around him." As I previously stated, I accidently pressed my "last weapon used" key which is right underneath the "ESC" key, which I was about to use to quit Garry's Mod.
- "Then when these officers drew guns on you, instead of obeying fearrp and maybe getting a jail sentence, you decided to take out your gun as if to have a shootout." That might be true, but at the time, I did not even think about anything more then to protect myself as as soon as I saw the officer approaching.
- "I do not see how it is a fake ban." It is a "fake" ban since I did not just randomly took a weapon out and attempted to kill the officer, I had a valid reason to do what I did as well as defending myself since I had an illegal weapon and they were going to charge me for "attempted murder of the president".
- "Also you left right after doing this which seemed pretty obscure at the time, but had no influence on the ban. All it did was make it so that I couldn't talk to you first. But again after doing something like that maybe it wasn't the best idea to instantly DC after you died." I would like to apologize for that, but even though it had no influence on the ban I would like to explain myself...
As I previously mentioned, I was about to leave for school and in the rush of doing so, I did not think about anything else and did what I did, and also I accidently pressed the button which drawn out the pistol instead of the ESC key to shut down Garry's Mod, but ye, all summed up it happened too quick and yes I might have FailRP'd a bit, but that doesn't mean I should get banned for "attempted RDM"...
- "Just because you do not see me, doesn't mean I wasn't there or in your opinion " wasn't involved ""
What I meant to say is that you were not directly involved in the action that occurred so it's harder to judge my side of the "story", and easier to go with the reports (I guess) that you received.
- "Although I personally doubt this please provide proof or do not post things like this."
I'm afraid I don't have any solid proof that any staff member said this, and I'm not going to say names, but at least one current staff member (that was not one at the time we spoke about my bans) agrees that some punishments were not correctly applied.
- "Speaking on behalf of staff in a lying manor is not a good thing to do."
I am not lying about anything or speaking on behalf of the staff, and if you believe I am doing so, I will admit it and apologize for it.
As I seen on your answer, you do not seem like going to lift the ban, but as it was not the most correct ban in my opinion, specially the reason, could you at least please reduce the time of it?
I admit I did not do everything correctly, but if we are taking a look at this, the officer did not as well.
I would really appreciate an answer regarding this matter as soon as possible since I do not have many donator days left and I would really like to enjoy them, but with the ban, I will not be able to do so unfortunately.
Have a good night and thank you for reading and answering this thread that fast.

[Image: fearless_signature2.png]

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[Image: fearless_signature2.png]

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So you admit you broke a rules. And understand the ban. You just want it lowered?

Please Answer within 24 hours or your request will be denied.
(03-20-2015, 04:51 AM)Rolorox Wrote: So you admit you broke a rules. And understand the ban. You just want it lowered?

Please Answer within 24 hours or your request will be denied.

What I'm trying to say is that I did not follow the rules 100%, but yes like 80-90% for example, and if you are going to look at the situation like that, then ban the officer and the president as well for breaking FearRP and FailRP'ing.
I do not really care much now that I can't really enjoy the time I had left of my donor rank, which will expire in 2-3 days and the ban will expire in less then 11 hours.
Now that there's nothing much you can do to help me out, I would just want you to understand the situation that you placed me wasting both our times with some minor things that took place on the day of the ban and me, having over 333 hours played it + donor + tons of items, would be just stupid to RDM (which I did not even thou you claim I did) and leave the server to "avoid" being banned when there is logs everywhere, even when you press the elevator button it gets saved on to the server.

[Image: fearless_signature2.png]

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Appeal reviewed and denied.

Closing notes:
Suspension for accused player (DooZ, STEAM_0:0:61032702) will stand as issued.
Please note, you did break the rules. Wanting to play is not a reason you should be unbanned. Again if you know you have broken the rules, do not make an unban request.

[FL] Rolorox
Server Administrative Team

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