Stop begging for RP points
Why is it that every time I go on, people always beg me for RP points instead of actually asking me to say, take part in the RP or, enjoy the RP themselves. It's all about the points instead of the fun now, it seems.

And besides, not as if I'm going to make the time to personally check every single person's RP on the server just so I can go around handing little bits of electronic ons and offs and a shiny silver platter made of love and children's dreams.

I have a job to do. 90% of the job involves with dealing with people who, if I had any control of the matter, would be not allowed to get a driving license, talk to sane people, buy a plastic fork, throw a ball, buy a drink, or get any job that doesn't involve being layered in at least four seperate pieces of protective padding sown from the very fabric of Pierce Brosnan's suit and mixed in with a good healthy dose of armed guards stopping them going within 10 metres of another human whilst doing their job, which just so happens to be testing out straitjackets.

A further 5% is taken up by helping people who actually have a problem and need help, said problem most likely having been distributed by the utopian rejects who seeped past my giant freaking vault door locking away the previously mentioned 90%. Solving these problems often involves a fair bit of work, including trawling through the logs which is made damned difficult thanks to Team Garry's inability to code something more stable than a plane with no wings with two anteaters as the pilots and which is currently smouldering somewhere on whichever island that terrible TV show involving a thousand unsolved mysteries takes place on. At the end of my solving this, I normally receive one or two thank yous from the person who requested help, but unfortunately this is drowned out by the screaming of the several rulebreakers from the horrible 90% who yell and curse at being told they're in the wrong louder than a cop who's just been shot and had his leg attached to a harrier jump jet which is now taking off by a painful grappling hook - Just Cause 2 is a damned awesome game by the way. After I ban the screamers back into the 90% section, I can continue onto the next case.

Then I can evenly distribute another 4% into sorting out bugs with the map in which guns fall through, and lag, and crashes, and the like. I now have 1 lovely percent remaining, what can I do with it?

I can either Roleplay myself, which if I'm not mistaken is what this server is all about, not the damned roleplay point which is just a little number on a spreadsheet, or I can go around handing out these little bits of data which apparently represent more fun than the actual roleplay given by the amount in which people love to hoard and collect them.

To finish this off nicely, just because you're not getting roleplay points doesn't mean your roleplay isn't good. It means I have other things to do, so kindly go back to your roleplay and actually enjoy the fun of it and stop begging admins to distribute these little bundlets of joy so you can brag to various nodes connecting to an international electronic web we call, the internet.

Faustie out.
The following 1 user Likes Faustie's post:
  • Killjoy
Fausties mad'.
Also, I ain't giving you points if you spam @ with: "ADMIN COME CHECK THIS RP!!!!!!!" x 1000
Sometimes keeping the server minge-free, and getting people unstuck from the chair bug (Always the same people, in the same locations it seems) is more important than an RP point fagolas.
The following 1 user Likes Strom's post:
  • equal
I agree with Storm and Faustie. I haven't recieved any points but I'm not whining about it. Afterall managing 45-50 people isn't an easy job.
(09-02-2011, 07:00 PM)Faustie Wrote: Pierce Brosnan's suit

He was like, one of the worst Bond's. Bottom 2 at best. Maybe bottom 3, but I dunno - I just can't take some of them seriously.

Also yes. That thing Faustie said. Tounge
(09-02-2011, 07:35 PM)Sniperwolf Wrote: He was like, one of the worst Bond's. Bottom 2 at best. Maybe bottom 3, but I dunno - I just can't take some of them seriously.

[Image: 250px-Pierce_Brosnan_at_the_2005_Toronto...stival.jpg]

How could you NOT take this guy seriously?
The following 1 user Likes Strom's post:
  • Ms. Mudpie
You role play for fun.
If you do good role play just for the points then your priorities are messed up.
TL;DR but can I get an RP point now plx?
The following 1 user Likes Fleet Admiral Zapington's post:
  • Spacepope
I don't have a single RP point, yet I built that awesome bar with a TV that showed a boxing tournament, meanwhile Anakonda was the ref, I was the bar owner + Camera man, and Pechvarry was a french chef. I don't care it was really fun.

[Image: ezgif_com_save.gif] Oh, Ariana. Stop it, you!
The following 1 user Likes Small Bear's post:
  • Triangle
I see RP points as a motive for decent roleplay.
[Image: P6KNEfH.png]           .       
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