Please sort out your admins
Name:[FL] Fultz
[b]Name of Administrator:
Dont know
I want to start by saying this admin has a very nasty little attitude, I really think this guy will singlehandly ruin the reputation of Fearlessrp I will give a brief summary #
He froze me I assumed I was stuck so I got a chair to sit in it he said I prop minged, I denied he black listed me off physgun/tools/props, even though I didn't even use the tool gun. because he dislikes me for saying to him I don't care for what you have to say. I have nothing to record with, he was rude and quite pre judging, I got a short fused anger, so I speak out he says
"I blacklisted you, I thought you wouldn't care"
Me"This is an action not talk"
I'm never playing FL:RP again because this is not the first time this has happened to me, and not much is done about it, it's like police in america.
I was just trying to help, and he black listed me, very very disrespectful, so is the community, I have to argue with the whole entire server every time I log on because they but their nose into stuff and have no idea what they're talking about just to give feed back
-Community full of idiots who say "SHUT UP" and take this RP way to seriosuly
-No admins means theres loads of abuse on the server
-No one even applies to Fear RP
-Admins never respond to @
Some admins are nice, like Mavis he seems to be a nice guy.
I never record while playing because I want to play here not record 24/7 to get people banned.
[FL] Fultz That's his name, I want to report this guy for poor service.
You have one hour to follow the template.

You again refuse to listen to any one by not following the templates we provide here.

This is not poor quality of service, but ignorance from the player.

I responded to the @ call and was setting out the situation. You continuously are bringing up the fact that some other dude broke FearRP. I moved you away from the situation. A prop flew by my head at the case. Whenever I went to talk to you, you said you didnt care what I had to say and just wanted to play again. So instead of talking to you about the case I just blacklisted you because you didnt care.

Nothing more nothing less. And I can see you still dont care by not listening to the rules of the forums as well.
That's very childish though, I said before "I don't care what you have to say" I didn't do it, even one of the SRU stood up for me, I didn't know you were going to blacklist me for absolute nothing, if I knew you were that type of person, maybe I would of changed how I spoke to you. But black listing my tool gun was that necessary.
And you had no proof I did it, you randomly picked out me because you disliked me.
And can you provide me with a template if you'd be so kind.
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And you were about to dismiss me so what case are you on about?
You said Okay don't talk any more or something, and I said okay, so don't make up lies.
You have received a warning for posting multiple answers without a clear reason. Go ahead and edit your last post and wait for a response. Your childish spam won't help you.
I wasnt about to dismiss you. Whenever I was talking to you I begun with 1.<text>. That inclines that I have multiple things to say which was going to be asking you about the prop that flew by my and the others that were discussing the case I teleported to.

You told me you did not care what I had to say so instead of continuing I just issued the punishment instead of talking to you about it because you did not care and just wanted to get back into the game. That is not my fault. I would of not of punished you for it if you would of let me finish and actually ask you instead of you not caring what I had to say.

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