Breaking the rules
Hello my gamer is Joshua and I have a problem with one other mitspeier 7beat with the name. He wants that we name our job to convert Brazzers but this name is associated with a sex / porn webside. (Http:// the disciption is "Brazzers offers the best Exclusive HD porn videos on the web offering daily updates filled with the Hottest Porn Stars, Sexy Milfs, hot XXX scenes and much ..." and I think that is not possible Daduchus it also younger mitspieler there are, for example, 12 /13 or junger.
Please talk with him or enyting else

Thanks Joshua_gamer




I appreciate the fact I am not involved yet i just want to point out the courthouse rules. First use the template, second I'd advise not sharing links to pornography on the website, third if you had a problem with that being your job tell the don. It doesn't really violate any rules. I believe that you should re-read these: Again id like to reiterate the fact I am not involved yet I am unsure wether this is a troll thread or not.
Denied, suspended.

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