Ban request on Jizes and mendude
Name of player: Jizes and mendude

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37746669 and STEAM_0:1:93223347

Time in GMT: 15:00

Server: V2P

Summary: They were basing together as blackmarket dealer and rebel, while doing so they also doomforted (using onesided textured props to their advantage, they made "steelwalls" so that bullets could bounce and hit us without them actually seeing us when we were hiding behind the pillar and shot through the walls) They also abused the keypad feature, while raiding, by opening and closening the doors with their keyboards instead of the numpads.

Evidence:: (As seen 0:24-0:25 there was a rebel:Jisez)

If further evidence is needed tell me.
"Oh, well. What is a night at Fearless? After all, I suppose it would be frightfully dull, and-and boooring, and-and completely... completely wonderful."
Today when I was on the server those 2 were killing alot of people, breaking NLR over and over and minging. Especially this mendude has been breaking alot of rules those days.

I can confirm this. The BMD was basing with the rebel. They also had a doomfort. It was nearly impossible to get in because of what they had built.

BASE RULE 9: Doom forts are not allowed. This means you cannot make it hard for the opposing force to raid you.

They had some sort of a "wallbang". Whenever the fading door would open, they would just spray inside, and they had a prop inside that would deflect bullets towards anyone who was ramming the door. The prop that is used to deflect the the bullets is shown in the video at 0:03.
Credits to Raptor for the signature!
Click here to rep me!
I also have evidence of Jizes breaking FearRP (he was one of the Rebels). I will post the screenshot soon.
Credits to Raptor for the signature!
Click here to rep me!
Request reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient, as accused players was basing together.

[FL] Pinky
Server Administrative Team
[Image: get.php?s=STEAM_0:0:29300898&b=3]

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