UnBan Request: JordanB2k10 (Cwompets)
Your name: [LSA] Cwompets

Your ban ID: 2945

Why we should unban you: I'm on this server a lot, as you may now, I consider myself decent at RP, it was a harmless joke, I never insulted anybody, it wasn't direct, it's been done about 30 times before, It feels a little overboard of a ban time (permanently) for something so small. Im on this server pretty much every day, hours on end. I've considered donating when I have spare money in the bank but not right now since I don't really have money lying around all the time, but probably will do soon. That's pretty much all I have...

Also: I got my RP points taken away from me as well as being blacklisted from being President.
Isn't that punishment enough?
I blacklisted and took your point away for making racist laws.
I permed you because you then claimed it to be a joke, however -
1) It wasn't a joke.
2) Nothing funny about racism.
I say no unban.

Rasism has no place in FL.
Yet account any other time I've purposely tried to be racism or discriminatory.
Agree with Dryblood, no unban.
<3<3 I will never forget you grandfather 14.9.11 R.I.P<3<3

Wow, It's hardly like I've ever done anything else wrong.
Racism, is no joke ban stays
-Signature removed-
The Elders have spoken, thou shalt not enter our realm, mortal one.
Meh, I've seen cwompets RP decently, a lot better than most players it'd be a shame to perm him.
My vote goes for an eventual unban.

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