Report: MrMLGFish
Name of player: MrMLGFish


Time in GMT: 4:15 P.M. (Roughly)

Server: [FL] Fearless [EvoCity2_v2p] [Semi-Serious Roleplay] [FASTDL]

Summary: I was perusing around the city on v2p this morning (Florida, USA) and I came across a base with contraband visible in the windows. After checking the premises for the resident (with the search yielding no results), I blasted the door off of the hinges and made my way inside. Once I made it into the house, I found that there was no keypad to let me into the area with the money printers. Upon closer inspection from the exterior window, there was no visible button or keypad on the other side of the barricade, either. The player who owns the home then arrived in his Trabant (he is the Gun Dealer in the pictures). He ran laps around his house while spamming his camera at me (probably attempting to get ban request evidence). It was hard enough to kill him already with the server lag, not to mention his constant camera flashes. I eventually managed to take him down right after he unlocked his car.

General Rule #13: Follow FearRP. You can't attack a person who has a gun (or tazer) pointed at you, while you are unarmed, you must roleplay being afraid of the gun.

Tools/Props Rule #3: Do not propblock anything, there should be a keypad or button to reach the area/items.

Door Rule #3: Keypads or buttons needs to be visible, accessible and their function has to be clear.
(Not particularly sure if this applies, but I did not see any keypads or buttons in the place.)

[Image: XdcnptP.jpg]

[Image: fyXQN3M.jpg]

[Image: tzBtFV2.jpg]

[Image: GxwAyGh.jpg]

[Image: zDnvClr.jpg]

[Image: KtfmTky.jpg]

[Image: FX4rU4j.jpg]

[Image: pJUlrnb.jpg]
Why did you raid the player in question?
(01-01-2015, 04:11 AM)SirCrow Wrote: Why did you raid the player in question?

There is contraband clearly visible in the window. I saw it and went in to destroy it.
The only sufficient evidence is for prop blocking, so thats what will be approved.


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