Report: CapybaraZech
Player: [FL:RP] CapybaraZech

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:33631470

Time in GMT: december 30th 23:09 (or so, around there or before)

Server: V2D

Summary: Basically i'm president and I post the laws and go about being pres for a few minutes. I barely manage to place laws on speed limit, drugs and jaywalking fine. i then get a pm that states the following,"Higher the speed limit. this is your only warning." I then respond with, "Or what?". He then sends another pm that states,"I can raid you for not listening to my warnings". Just to make sure the is no misunderstanding i only got that one in the beginning, so why he made "Warnings" plural i do not know. Right under that in the following screenshots can you see me informing him that you can't raid for the speed limit. I was still responding to the last PM when there were two guys up to me with shotguns(Note: i was on the Nexus top floor, how he got there so fast i do not know, see bottom screenshot). I know i had shitty security but i didn't expect to get raided since i had given no reason to.
My reasons are however not his bad choice of form but how he justified raiding the Nexus for a speed limit. The 6. rule of Mafia/Rebel states clearly that, and i quote,"Do not raid the president just to earn money or because you don't like speed limits or high taxes - get good reasons first. Even then, violence must always be a last resort.".
He did just that, raided for speed limit, but his excuse was that he gave me warnings that i ~Ignored~.
To top everything off i do believe that he was a citizen at the time of the raid, so i'm going to ask the admins to check the logs if he had a custom job, as i believe that you are required to do so in case of raiding.
In the end on the top floor we used voice-chat and that's where i also informed him about his wrongs, but to no luck.

There was another person involved but i decided not to do anything since i did catch a name or anything, he was a citizen too.

Point is, I got raided after being in office for 10-5 minutes for setting a speed limit(which i had a rp reason for).


Me setting the Speed limit Law
[Image: TVkwcma.jpg]

Me receiving the PM
[Image: bWU3T2R.jpg]

Me asking back and him right under the highlight threatning me without me doing anything
[Image: WiYRe7T.jpg]

His PM where he includes the Excuse
[Image: bSC38Lm.jpg]

Me claiming that i did respond
[Image: Mx7tq4S.jpg]

Him tying me up
[Image: iPF8PKO.jpg]

Him murdering me on the top floor
[Image: t1uCnxN.jpg]

P.S. can admin check how long i was pres and get back to me? gotta be my shortest term Smile
Violence is a last resort, correct? That's why I tied you up, right? That's when you broke fearrp refusing to come with me so we could discuss things. Then my only realostic choice would be to kill you, something that wouldn't have happened if you'd have abided by fearrp. I didn't raid off th e bat, I warned you. I didnt raid immediately for speed limits, I warned you. When you didn't respond to the warning I made the decision that I would tie you and discuss the matters with you. But then you broke fearrp.
(12-31-2014, 03:52 PM)CapybaraZech Wrote: Violence is a last resort, correct? That's why I tied you up, right? That's when you broke fearrp refusing to come with me so we could discuss things. Then my only realostic choice would be to kill you, something that wouldn't have happened if you'd have abided by fearrp. I didn't raid off th e bat, I warned you. I didnt raid immediately for speed limits, I warned you. When you didn't respond to the warning I made the decision that I would tie you and discuss the matters with you. But then you broke fearrp.

You shouldn't have been pointing a gun at me in the first place, if you want to "Discuss" things then you request a meeting, not instaraiding the pres when he's barely finished putting the laws up.

I was discussing it OOC with you right there, on the spot you killed me. But still you just said ~higher the speed limit or i will kill you~. Also, if someone breaks fearrp you call an admin or do something about it.
I don't consider myself breaking fearrp since you had no reason to raid me at all, i was trying to explain that but you killed me seconds later. You told me to come and pointed in the general direction of the elevator, meaning you intended to kidnap me, again, no reason exept speed limit.

You can't simply attempt to skip over completely the part where you went up the Nexus with a shotgun by focusing on when I broke fearrp by saying,"Dude, You Can't Do That".

On the other hand if you were raiding for a valid reason, like me banning all cars, i'd be breaking fearrp. Because in that case we would be roleplaying, not me attepting to explain stuff.

My point is still the same, you cannot raid for a speed limit, even if you add warnings for bad health.

P.S. I always follow FearRP because you never know when Rickets decides to raid you Smile
Request reviewed and approved.

Closing notes:
Evidence was deemed sufficient, as accused player was found violating rules regarding Invalid reasons to raid.
Suspension will be applied for 3 days.

[FL] Sir Crow
Server Administrative Team

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