Floodify's Resignation
Well, here we are.

Since October 2012 I have been here and played. I have had a tremendous time but it is time for me to depart. Fearless was a big priority during whole 2013 and a part of 2014. Now I have never really been so addicted to FL that I've lost connection with good friends from real life, but it's been a priority. Yes, I have had so much fun and I have great memories. Some may say 'Hey dude, it's just a game, chill, it's not that big'. But I insist on otherwise.

Fearless Community has been there for me in many situations, even how ridiculous it may sound. Thanks to Fearless I've bonded with certain people that are today someone which whom I can trust. I have gotten various connections leading me to evolve in different work areas and I have had a good time whenever I've felt a bit down. It's really surreal thinking about not being a part of Fearless. If you had asked me 6 months ago if I was going to leave, I would have told you to come back in 10 years and ask me the same question and I would say no. But evidently that was not true and I have learned that in such short time, so much can change. I've been under such a big change these last 6 months, both on the internet and in real life. I can't really explain, but I feel that I've grown more as a person and Fearless is holding me back. Now this isn't because of anyone of you, but because of me. Fearless is a part of my younger teenage year and in order for me to move on, I need to cut some ties. It may sound a bit cheesy, but that's how I feel right now and I couldn't care less if you think it's pathetic. I've always had some distance from Fearless, I was never so deep down that I was a hopeless case (not insisting that anyone is/was). But yet it's a part of me that I feel I need to let go, for now.

I have many memories of Fearless, both good and bad. I know that I wasn't the perfect staff member nor the perfect member in general. I've made mistakes, like any human does. I am sorry to anyone that was affected badly by any of my mistakes and I hope it was nothing too severe. I know I've taken some pretty harsh decisions throughout my time as staff member, some of which you perhaps don't agree with. All I want you to know is that I made mistakes and I tried do my job good. My main goal when becoming staff member was to not change - I don't know whether or not I did so, but I hope not. I've tried being the same guy, even though I am becoming older and is changing generally. Beflok was first of many to say these very words; Don't Change. Even though it may be obvious that you shouldn't change, it's good to be given a reminder ones in a while. There's been so many that have been honest with me and by such I have felt I've thought more of perhaps the negative aspects of me as a staff member and tried to improve it.

Obviously I have few more reasons for why I want to resign too, but I rather keep them private though. This isn't because it's any insulting reasons, but rather some that I would like not to mention simply due to privacy. I have so many to thank to that made my stay at Fearless the greatest, both as staff member but also as an ordinary member. So I've decided to make a cheesy list of the people that comes to the top of my head that I feel made my stay on fearless extraordinary and perhaps some people I would give a word, even if they have been nice or 'mean' to me.

SoulRipper - Ah SoulRipper, of course you should be on the top of the list. You are the one who has kept Fearless open for so long and supported it in many ways. Although you have done so many good things that I can't mention right off the bat, there has been times where I have completely disagreed with some decisions of yours and even had an argument with you. But honestly, with my hand on my heart, I can say that you did take my words into consideration and for that I am grateful. Perhaps it was words that sometimes were simply thrown out of anger or words that didn't make sense at all, but you read and responded. That's something I am glad you did, even when I was a tad irritated with you. You've laid much trust in me and helped me, both with Fearless but also with other things. I wish the best of luck to you and I hope you will continue with Fearless for a long time.

Link66 & Wood - You two are like a married couple. I love the skype chats with you two and I've had a blast running a clan with you two. You've brought so much fun and joy to my time here and I pretty damn happy that you have continued to do so. You two are great.

Venom - You're one of the most fun guys on FL. Love the snapchats of your police stuff and the conversations about police stuff. I remember when we did the tourbus RP together back in 2013 December and then you got mod. You were one of the first people that I could have an intellectual discussion with you. We've had great times and I am sorry for some stupid shit I've done. I'm pretty stupid sometimes, oh well :p

Equalizer - Never really know what caused you to feel such hatred towards me. Back in, what was it? Early 13'? Yeah I think so, anyway, back then you told me rather harshly of how you felt about me and honestly I never knew we were on such bad basis. Up until that day, I was under the impression we were fairly good friends. Now I know that I am not a guy everyone love, but I simply felt rather shocked hearing your negative opinions when you had helped me in many ways. Recently we got into a bit of a situation, which I obviously reacted badly upon. It's no secret I don't quite like you, so that contributed quite the bit that conversation. But even though our differences, I feel that I owe you a thank you. As I mentioned, you helped me and it improved me as a fearless member. Thank you and I am sorry for whatever caused you to hate me back in 13'.

Grub - You're a pretty great guy man. I love your stories and listening to you about your truck collection, good luck with that by the way, hope you get the completely new and fancy one you mentioned the other day! Anyway, you've been a big role model for me, both in the clan world but as a person too. You're a really cool and chill guy and you helped me a lot with having my clan, I'm pretty damn thankful for that. I wish the best of luck to you.

Laurenz - Ah Laurenz, or DigDug. You were one of the big times for quite some time and I looked up to you. I never really met and bonded with you when you were just a player. But lately you've become a really good friend and having had you in my clan has been great. Good luck with whatever is next and continue your history interest.

Enzyme - Ah you damn norwegian Cheese You're such a great and funny guy, don't ever f'ucking change. The endless conversation about stupid shit like why norway or sweden is better are so damn funny. You're an extremely chill guy and having to know you has been so fun. Go talibanter!! Oh and Enzyme, why did the norwegian put a fence around his bathtub?

Temar - Ah temar temar temar.. Man you've helped me a lot with my recently found interest web making. You've been there and helped me and I can't thank you enough. I hope to stay in contact with you, because you're one crazy guy. Cheese

Shadow - Thank you Shadow. Thank you for meeting me with such a big heart when I became mod. I had never had a conversation with you and never really knew who you were up until I was promoted. The very first time I came on the server we spoke like we had known each other for months and you were so friendly. You are one of the guys who truly made me feel comfortable as a moderator. You're also such a funny and trolling guy xD When you are ready to be beaten in CS:GO, gimme a call yea?

Burnett - Burnett you are such a nice and caring guy. You're honestly one of the most nicest guys around and I hope whatever is next for you is something great.

Vauld - Ah the times we've had. At first you held back a bit, but later on we became good pals and I've had a lot of fun doing shit with for you (I keeeeed). Love how you shared the most weirdest youtube videos. We've had good times and I wish the best of luck to you with your projects. Oh  and by the way, stay away from the champagne (lmfao..).

Infernaw - You're a pretty damn cool chick and I am glad that I've spoken to you. You're a realist but also a visionist, which is something I find extremely cool. You're extremely fun and I hope you never change. GO SWEDEN.

Generation - Yo ma' clan friend. We did a lot together when we both ran our clans. You were somewhat of a mentor in the clan world, which is pretty interesting. Very sad that you got perma-banned. Good luck with whatever man.

Fultzy - Is it Fultzy or Drogas? Ah fuck whatever. You are one of the coolest guys around. You are extremely sympathetic, caring, nice and fun to talk to. We've had discussions about a lot of things and I have had fun taken part in them with you. Good luck with that hat collection Cheese

Faustie - I always saw you as so extremely strict and intimidating guy. But getting to know you I have changed my opinion about you, my thoughts of you prior to knowing you were completely false. You are an extremely cool and a fun guy. You helped Estleback a lot near her end and I am thankful for that. I hope everything turns out good with whatever lies next and I'm around if you need someone to talk with.

Preditor - Such a cool and goofy guy Cheese I've had fun times with you and you're a great guy, I just feel it's a bit sad we haven't *that* much. Stay in touch man.

DoomDude1 - One of my role models. I bugged you quite much when I was a player, but you were somewhat a rolemodel too me. You don't give a flying fuck and that's what I like about you. You do what you do and you stand for it and you have a clear opinion. I respect you man, good luck with your journalism career.

Jono - My fucking god I laugh a lot talking to you. You're one crazy dude, hope you don't change. Can't understand why I laugh so much, but I'm pretty damn happy we've gotten to know each other. Take care and hope you get the BMW.

Beflok- You're such a great guy, honestly. I wish nothing but good luck for you. You are so caring and nice that you are on the very people on fearless that I truly see as a great human being. Please don't change and please continue to share your personality with the rest of the community. Pretty cheesy, but whatever, it's true haha.

Jan - You're an extremely fun and honest guy. I love how you can be so brutally honest and don't take shit from anyone. Sometimes I can get pretty pissed at you for being so stubborn, but you are honestly such a cool guy. Don't change Cheese

Von Tempski - Have a lot of fun talking to you. You're a cool and fun guy, it's hilarious playing with you on CS:GO. Sorry that I dick around much with you sometimes :p

Rock Hunter - Haven't spoken to you in a while, but you're one of the first guys I came in contact with when I first joined fearless. You helped me creating Estleback quite much, because without your constructions we would have shit HQ's and couldn't do so good and well-designed events. Thank you and I hope you make something out of your skills with designing and building. Go study architecture damnit.

Mavy Christmas - You're an extremely nice and great guy. You've helped me a lot and without I would of have been left with many unanswered questions. I hope you pursue that teaching career you spoke off some time ago, I am sure you'd be great.

Ciryl & GeorgeTheBoy - You damn trolls.

Estleback Corporation - A thank you to Estleback Corporation members is in order. I realize some of you may think that clans are made out of personal gain and perhaps for some it may, but for me it was about creating something for certain people. Something that they could come to, to have fun and something they could help build something out off. Events were something I rarely took part in myself, but rather tried to host it and steer so it would go as planned. Without Estleback, I think I might have been gone since a long time ago. I am sad I had to close it, but in order for me to move on I need all ties cut and Estleback was the first one to be lost. I hope for all the (ex-) members to find another clan.

I realize I may of forgotten some people. But rest assured, that a big majority of you made my stay extremely fun. Hopefully, I will find my way back to Fearless and if welcomed, I would return as staff. But that's the future and when that is I do not know. All I know now is that I want to resign for the greater good of the community and myself.

Thank you all for a great time.
Kind Regards,
Thank you for administrating the servers! Best of luck for the future!
Damnit, can't say I didn't expect it though. You're one of the few people I could truly talk to without having to watch out what I say.
Thanks for all your work buddy, we appreciate it. Goodbye Flood, I really do hope you return.
The following 1 user Likes Jan's post:
  • Floodify
I love you. <3

I have known you since almost day one of my time here at Fearless, and you are a true friend of not just me, but the whole community. Goodbye Viktor, it will never be the same without you.

Spoiler :
No homo.

Kind Regards,

The following 1 user Likes Link's post:
  • Floodify
You were truly a fantastic administrator as well as a good friend. I wish you luck in future myfloodify.
Goodbye! ;(
[Image: IgcIQgP.png]
Good luck in your future endevors
Saint Dogbert: The patron saint of technology
[Image: Saint_dogbert.jpg]
I wish you the best of luck, you have certainly been a big part of this community and it is sad to hear of your resignation and departure. 

Best of luck pal.
The following 1 user Likes Nevy's post:
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You were really welcoming to me when I was offered a place here on the staff team, and you were great at administrating as well as being a good buddy and an all around good guy.
It's sad to see you head off Flood, but hopefully one day you will return, and as an administrator once again.
I never did make that application  Wink .
Thanks again for everything, and good luck with whatever you decide to do in the future.
not an Administrator
The following 1 user Likes Zecon's post:
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Amazing guy, sad to see you go. Good luck with your future Flood!
The following 1 user Likes livkx's post:
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goodbye, sweet prince.

[Image: ad137cef4731adbcca5fdaa78a3f0b86.png]

A more fitting signature. 
The following 1 user Likes Jono's post:
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