Illegal Prop Building
Name of player: Jan

SteamID: I cannot find him but he has [FL:RP]Jan in his name so i hope that means anything

Time in GMT: Around 22:05 27/12-2014 GMT +1

Server: v2d

Summary: So i was the mafia boss and we raided Nexus but we couldnt find the president in his office because he had run to the second floor to be more safe behind their propbuild that is against the rules, they had it so they could shoot ous through a side prop that makes gunshots bounce and they had a wall and a little "walkway" on it so they could stand and shoot from behind this wall. This is obviously breaking a prop building rule (not 100% sure which one) but you can see it in the screenshots below


(I hope these screenshots work with the way i puted them in not 100% sure or if its possible that i send them to you on skype if possible)

Thank you for future answers
Those pictures are localized; no one can see them.

You can upload to any photo sharing site and copy their URL's into the post for sufficient evidence. I suggest using imgur to do this.
(12-27-2014, 09:55 PM)Death_Wish Wrote: Those pictures are localized; no one can see them.

You can upload to any photo sharing site and copy their URL's into the post for sufficient evidence. I suggest using imgur to do this.
Ah okay i will fix that give me 1 second.
Much better, although as you've made them an album, only one of the three links needs to be posted.

Other than that, you can wait for your case to be reviewed, good luck!
First off Death_Wish you have no reason to reply to ban requests, so please don't.
I had asked an administrator once he was online to check the build as I was not sure, he removed some props and after that it was fine again. Please also add that when you were standing infront of that police officer in one of the pictures there was a raid going on, and you were a medic helping your friends by standing infront of our sight.
(12-27-2014, 10:47 PM)Jan Wrote: First off Death_Wish you have no reason to reply to ban requests, so please don't.
I had asked an administrator once he was online to check the build as I was not sure, he removed some props and after that it was fine again. Please also add that when you were standing infront of that police officer in one of the pictures there was a raid going on, and you were a medic helping your friends by standing infront of our sight.

I was not a medic in that raid i got these screenshots from another guy i asked to take them, and he did not help in the raid that was going on
(12-27-2014, 10:47 PM)Jan Wrote: First off Death_Wish you have no reason to reply to ban requests, so please don't.
I had asked an administrator once he was online to check the build as I was not sure, he removed some props and after that it was fine again. Please also add that when you were standing infront of that police officer in one of the pictures there was a raid going on, and you were a medic helping your friends by standing infront of our sight.

i wont flame here like you are trying to do, as you said in the chat "Post your ban request" and i did, leave it to them to decide
How am I trying to flame? Also that medic was called "Mr. Gank", not sure why you are posting his screenshots, because he could've posted a ban request himself?
(12-27-2014, 11:14 PM)Jan Wrote: How am I trying to flame? Also that medic was called "Mr. Gank", not sure why you are posting his screenshots, because he could've posted a ban request himself?

Just leave it to them to decide, my screenshots didnt work couse i couldnt send them and you asked me to post a ban request and said that nothing will happend so i dont see why you are trying to defend yourself. end of convo
If anything this will fall under the category of doom forting.

Jan you are not to use this again please and use proper materials that are realistic to city RP.,bTV1yNC,ofsXL9E,pYhmt3b#2

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