spell without reason
hey why I was once again I was spellbound by na unban requst endbannt and wanted to connect degree and was banned I also gekuckt constant at banns because only the first time you point why was sending client info ... and then I'm banned
I am unsure what you mean by spell, but you have been banned for attempting to crash the server (BAN ID: 53011) by [FL] Venom. You can view further information on your ban here: http://www.fearlessrp.net/bans/index.php

Your most recent unban request was denied as there is a time limit for posting unban requests, you can read them here: http://www.fearlessrp.net/showthread.php?tid=10
You'll be able to post a new one three months from your first one.

As for it being denied, the administration team must feel they have enough evidence you did something to crash the server in some way.
Kind Regards,
I have not tried the server to bring to crash I have made money with NEM friend I have ne door was built ready then comb that I'm banned
because I love the city rp server
Post an UBR.

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