Unban Request - Rangerboys
Your name: Rangerboys

Your ban ID: 56635

Banned by: [FL] Beflok

Reason:  constant fail RP as chef, Perm too many bans already given last chance

Involved: Gappy, [FL:RP] Iacboy, [FL:RP] Blurr.

Why we should unban you: 

In my previous unsuccessful UBR, I stated that my RP skills and knowledge had been improved since my time away from this community. I came on the server yesterday after my 5 months ban, and waited for a chef spot to be free. Once there was a spot free I started doing Ross' Café near the metro cafe and all was good. The president then broadcasted that there was a conference being held at the skylounge, so we all decided to go up. We all got pretty bored so we decided to leave. After this someone in our party (Gappy) had an asthma attack and was going to be rushed to a paramedic. As gappy and Iacboy ran through the gate, which was previously open, the door closed and I was stuck inside of the gate. All government officials were either patrolling or in the conference. The person manning the desk was AFK, so in order to help my friend get to a paramedic I attempted to jump over the metal fence. This was not successful and the gate-keeper came back from being AFK. He opened the door and I thanked him, rushed towards my friend having an asthma attack, but was greeted by a ban.
Later, this ban was extended to two months. I was going to post an UBR but it was late at night and I needed to do some revision for my mocks. The ban was extended to a perm ban whilst I was sleeping.

Overall, I think that this ban was a massive misunderstanding on both parties. I understand why beflok banned me for trying to jump over props, however I was trying to rush to my friend to give him aid. Also, I was banned for constant FailRP though I never was warned about the FailRP. I think that I should have been given a warning/talked to since it was my first time back in 5 months.
So you propclimbed to get over the fence in order to 'save' your pal from dying of an asthma attack?
Kind Regards,
It was for fail rp, not prop-climb
Yeah but you just said you attempted to jump over the wall? So you mean you propclimbed (when attempting to get over the wall/fence) instead of failRP, or?
Kind Regards,
I never prop-climbed, when did I say that?
"Attempted to jump over the metal fence". Did you mean literally or RP..?
Kind Regards,
Yes I jumped over it literally, Though I would rather help my friend than wait for the owner to open the gate, If Beflok saw this as prop climbing he would of banned me for prop climbing, not for failrp, even though you are a admin and can question me, can I have Befloks view on this as he witnessed it?
He will look at it once he can. I was asking about that incident.
Kind Regards,
I will reply when Beflok gives his point of view.
Here is exactly what happened as I was watching the whole RP to protect it and to see who deserved RP points.

They were having a nice calm political conference and you and your friend come in basically yelling over voice. It disrupted the whole RP so thats where the Fail RP comes into play.

Your friend and you BOTH shout that you have asthma after only being there for maybe 40 seconds and demand to be let out. I was happy you guys were leaving so their RP could continue.

I went down to the lobby for a different matter when I saw you prop climb over the nexus defense(sorry I didnt put that in my ban reason I meant to) still screaming about asthma.

RP that you guys have asthma all you want but in the process you disrupted a passive RP and prop climbed.

Sorry for not taking the time to talk to you as I was very busy at the moment.

Think about your actions and how it might have disrupted their RP before you reply.
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