It was a referance from a movie? wtf?
Your name: Casper Vaun Linde

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:30281009


Ban Length:2 days

Reason for the ban: Asking to be killed

Why we should unban you:

Talking to my mate in cubs, Some gangsters come in and try to kill an admin but the admin defends himself with a with a AK-47, tells the remainder of the group (3) to face the wall, one of us gets tranq'd, the other stands, and I turn around and because im sick of this say "Just shoot me in the mouth" "Shoot me in the mouth already!" as Derek from Stepbrothers says in the treehouse "Punch me in the face, Right in the face!" so then im banned for two days for that, I think its unreasonable and I dont wanna have to wait two days because of one movie referance.

Thank you for reading, and for your time.

-Legendary Fox
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So the quote from the movie was:
Quote:"Punch me in the face, Right in the face!"
And you said (What you actually said)
Quote:Shoot me in the mouth! Just kill me already! Shoot me!

I think I'm missing something here as there are quite a lot of differences between the movie quote and what you said. You know, the part were you said "Kill".

Plus it was quite a strange place to quote a movie, under gunpoint, you also said it IC, which is strange. Considering you were under fear RP Stepbrothers should have been the last thing on your mind.
What actually happened, I sneak up and hear you guys talking shit and your a rebel, your proclaiming that we bought your protection wich is bullshit then your goons pop up out of nowhere start shooting me so I rape the living shit out of them and then you go like AN ADMIN SAID TO ME HE WANTED TO BUY THE PROTECTION again we are not admins ingame there are no IC admins and then you ask to be killed, and I quote you said in full capital letters:
-Signature removed-
Yeah, ill change that, but still I dont know what time it is for you, but it was about 2:30am for me, im tired and I really cant be bothered getting RDM'ed again tonight or banned as I tend to get that when im near admins. I seriously didnt mean it to sound like it did.

EDIT: I just became rebel leader about 2m before entering cubs, not knowing they were going to open fire, I cant take blame for that / The reason for that as I never thought I would sell that protection to anyone, especially not anyone from Semper Fi, so I guess I was happy.
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Like he said, your guys shot first for pretty much no reason. So if anything it was them who were RDM'ing.
Exactly, I just became Rebel Leader, barely knowing of their existance to that moment! as ive said this is a big mistake and I didnt mean it to sound like it did,
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Quote: admin comes in RDM's about 4 people with a AK-47

At first, thats what I thought, I forgot to edit sorry, it was completely accidental and I didnt mean it in that way, so is it possible for me to get an unban? thanks for your time btw.
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I'm a little bit dissapointed that you make it out was a mass RDM by the admin, even to go so far as to PM me saying:

"this is really unfair and I know its terrible to message you about this but its just really unfair, ive even got screenshots of him killing the innocent people!"


"then suddenly a admin called Emperor comes into, RDMs the 4 people with us"

When that just turns out to be a lie :/
it was kinda really unfair how I got the blame at first for my gangsters actions, I just didnt know at first that my gangsters had opened fire on them on the first place, so I just assumed what any person would have - RDM, until S.J and Storm told me that it was them. Sorry for making it out like that.
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